White River Entrance Station in 1931 with the port-cochere extending out over the road.
Mount Rainier National Park Archives
The White River Entrance Area, modeled in part on the Nisqually Entrance Area, was created in anticipation of considerable traffic visiting the new destination of Sunrise, also known as Yakima Park, which opened in 1931. The period of significance for White River Entrance Area is from 1929-1933.
The entrance building and kiosk, which served as a combined office and checking station, are contributing structures, but the adjacent utility area has been altered over the years and only partially contributes to the historic district. The buildings that are contributing, however, are excellent examples of National Park Service Rustic style, as applied in an entrance station. Their similarity to contemporary buildings at Nisqually and Longmire reinforces the consistent architectural image presented by the park service in public areas.