About the park
1. When was the park established?
Congress established Mount Rainier National Park on March 2, 1899, reaffirming the nation's intent to set aside certain areas of outstanding scenic and scientific value for the enjoyment of present and future generations. It is America's fifth oldest national park, after Yellowstone (established in 1872), and Yosemite, General Grant (now part of Kings Canyon), and Sequoia (all established in 1890).
2. How big is the park?
Mount Rainier National Park encompasses 236,380.89 acres or 369.34 square miles within the legislative park boundary, with an additional 140 acres lying outside the boundary. Of that amount, 228,480 acres (97% of the park) has been designated by Congress as Wilderness. The park is also a National Historic Landmark District. The park has over 275 miles of maintained trails and 120 miles of roads.
3. What is the annual visitation to Mount Rainier?
Generally, about 2 million people visit Mount Rainier each year. In 2024, the park had 2,490,729 visitors.
4. Is the park open all year?
Yes, but some areas of the park, including Sunrise, White River, Ohanapecosh, State Routes 410 and 123, and the Stevens Canyon Road close for the season in mid-October or early-November and do not reopen until summer. Our "Road Status" page has current road conditions. You may also call 360-569-2211 for a recorded message on road conditions. Longmire is open all year. The road from Longmire to Paradise is generally open on winter days, although it is closed and gated at Longmire every evening and anytime snow, ice, or potential avalanches make travel to Paradise unsafe. Check Alerts daily for updates on the open/close status of the Paradise road during winter.
The Longmire Museum is open year-round. The Jackson Visitor Center at Paradise is open weekends and holidays in the winter and daily from early May through early October. The National Park Inn at Longmire is open year-round. The Paradise Inn is open from mid-May to October only.
5. I want to donate an artifact or photograph to the park. Whom should I contact?
Collection donations are currently not being accepted.
6. Does the park have a Lost and Found?
Yes, submit a Lost & Found Report Form.
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The Mountain
1. How tall is Mount Rainier?
The official measurement is 14,410 feet (4,392.2 m) above sea level.
2. How old is Mount Rainier?
The volcano was built up above the surrounding country by repeated eruptions and successive flows of lava. It is a relatively young volcano, only about 500,000 years old. By contrast the mountains of the Cascade Range that Mount Rainier looks down upon are at least 12 million years old!
3. How many people climb the mountain each year?
In 2022, 9,530 people attempted to climb Mount Rainier; approximately half of them typically reach the summit.
4. Is Mount Rainier an active volcano?
Geologists consider this mountain to be an 'episodically active' volcano, meaning one that will erupt again some time in the future even though it may be quiet now. Mount Rainier is the tallest volcano and fifth highest peak in the contiguous United States.
5. Is it safe to visit Mount Rainier?
New research indicates Mount Rainier is far more active than previously believed. We now understand there are risks associated with the volcano and its glaciers that require visitors and staff to be aware and prepared. Mud flows (also known as lahars) and glacial outburst floods can occur without warning, and could damage roads, invade campgrounds, and cause enormous injury to park visitors and staff. The Longmire Historic District, Cougar Rock, Ohanapecosh, Sunshine Point, Ipsut Creek and White River campgrounds are all vulnerable to geologic hazards. While many people believe the danger to be minimal, only you can decide if you want to spend time in this unpredictable and changing landscape. If you choose to visit, be sure to review information posted at park campgrounds and inns.
6. When did the volcano last erupt?
The last estimated eruption was about 1,000 years ago.
7. How much snow and ice is on Mount Rainier?
Over 35 square miles of permanent ice and snow cover Mount Rainier. Of all the glaciers in the contiguous U.S., Mount Rainier's Emmons Glacier has the largest surface area (4.3 square miles). Carbon Glacier is the longest (5.7 miles), thickest (700 feet), and has the lowest terminus elevation (3,500 feet) in the contiguous U.S.
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The Weather
1. How is the at Mount Rainier?
Weather patterns at Mount Rainier are strongly influenced by the Pacific Ocean, elevation, and latitude. The climate is generally cool and rainy, with summer highs in the 60s and 70s. While July and August are the sunniest months of the year, rain is possible any day, and very likely in spring, fall, and winter.
2. How much precipitation falls at Mount Rainier?
The east side of the mountain is much drier than the western, wetter side. Weather stations are maintained at three locations within the national park provide averages of total precipitation (rain and snow):
At Paradise (elevation 5400 feet) an average of 126 inches of precipitation falls annually.
At Longmire (elevation 2761 feet) an average of 87 inches of precipitation falls annually.
At Ohanapecosh (elevation 1900 feet) an average of 75 inches of precipitation falls annually.
3. How much snow falls at Paradise?
Paradise snowfall records are legendary. The snowfall year is recorded between July 1 and June 30:
Maximum annual snowfall: 1,122 inches (93.5 ft/28.5 m) fell during the winter of 1971-1972, an amount that held the world record for annual snowfall from 1972 until 1998.
Minimum annual snowfall: A new record was set in 2014-2015 with only 266 inches (22.2 ft/6.7 m) of snow. The previous minimum record for Mount Rainier was 313 inches (26 ft/7.9 m) during the winter of 1939-1940.
Maximum snowpack: 357 inches (30 feet) in March 1955.
4. Does the snow at Paradise ever melt?
Although Paradise is one of the snowiest places on Earth where snowfall is measured regularly, it does enjoy a brief but glorious snow-free season. In most years, the area is snow-free from about mid-July through late September. October snowfall usually melts in between storms. The ground is usually completely snow covered for the winter by Thanksgiving.
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Activities at the park
1. Where can I camp?
Three campgrounds are available for car camping in the summer. These campgrounds offer 480 campsites during the summer. No RV hookups or showers are available. Campgrounds may fill on summer weekends and holidays. While there are limited first-come, first-serve camp sites during summer months available at Cougar Rock and Ohanapecosh campgrounds, most camp sites require reservations. To make reservations call (877) 444-6777; international (518) 885-3639; TDD (877) 833-6777; or visit the Recreation.gov website. Firewood is available at the campgrounds through a vendor for the summer months. Gathering firewood anywhere in the park is prohibited. Camping is only allowed at campgrounds or in the backcountry (with permit). In the winter, snowcamping may be available at Paradise with permit.
2. Where can I walk my dog?
Basically, your pet can only go where your car can go: on roads, in parking lots and campgrounds. Your pet must be on a leash (not more than 6 feet long) and under your control at all times and may not be staked. Pets are not allowed on trails, snow, in any buildings or amphitheaters, or in the Wilderness. The only exceptions are service animals such as seeing-eye and hearing-ear dogs. However, dogs on a leash (not more than 6 feet) are allowed on a small portion of the Pacific Crest Trail near the park's eastern boundary. Learn more about pets in the park.
3. Can I fish in the park?
Many of the rivers flowing off Mount Rainier contain glacial silt; fish are not abundant in park waters. Fishing with a line and hook is permitted in most lakes and rivers. No license is required. The use of live bait is prohibited; you must use artificial flies, lures, or preserved salmon eggs.
4. Where can I ride my bicycle?
Park roads are narrow with heavy summer traffic. Helmets are required. The Westside Road and the Carbon River Road, provide good bicycling opportunities. However, the Carbon River Road is very rough and caution is advised. Bicycles are not permitted on any park trails.
5. What kind of winter recreation is available in the park?
As one of the snowiest places on Earth, Paradise is worthy of a winter visit. From November to late May, expect to find 10 to 20 feet of snow on the ground. Approximately 630" of snow falls in an average winter at Paradise, and snowshoeing, cross country skiing on ungroomed trails, and sledding opportunities abound. Winter requires special precautions for safety. All vehicles are required to carry tire chains when traveling in the park during the winter season (Nov 1 - May 1). This requirement applies to all vehicles (including four-wheel drive), regardless of tire type or weather conditions. Review the Tire Chain Frequently Asked Questions for more information. Before skiing or snowshoeing, check avalanche conditions at a ranger station or visitor center. Be prepared to choose a safer activity if avalanche danger is high.
6. How long does it take to hike the Wonderland Trail?
The time required to complete this 93-mile hike around the mountain varies depending on weather, snow conditions, and the abilities of each hiker. Most people require at least ten days to complete the loop and average eight miles a day without snow and six miles a day with snow. Always check current trail and weather conditions when planning any hike in the park.
7. Can I fly my drone in the park?
No. Launching, landing, or operating an unmanned aircraft (drone) from or on lands and waters administered by the National Park services within the boundaries of Mount Rainier National Park is prohibited (36 CFR 1.5 (a)(1) Superintendent's Compendium). For additional information, see Laws & Policies.
8. Can I get married in Mount Rainier National Park?
Yes, for more information call 360-569-6513 or visit the Permits page.
9. Can I spread ashes of a loved one in the park?
Yes, for more information call 360-569-6513 or visit the Permits page.
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Getting around the park
1. What address do I use for GPS navigation?
Many visitors now use GPS (Global Positioning System) units to help them navigate while driving. However, the street address for Mount Rainier National Park (55210 238th Avenue East) leads to the Mount Rainier Administration Building in Ashford, Washington, NOT to the Nisqually Entrance of the park. To reach the Nisqually Entrance using GPS use the address 39000 State Route 706 E, Ashford, WA 98304. This will take you on SR 706 east past the administration area to the Nisqually Entrance. It is recommended that visitors refer to road maps in addition to using GPS units when driving to the park.
2. How far is it from ____ to _____ (one way)?
Longmire to Paradise: 12 miles (19 km)/25 minutes
Paradise to Ohanapecosh: 23 miles (37 km)/45 minutes
Ohanapecosh to the Sunrise/White River turnoff: 17 miles (27 km)/30 minutes
The Sunrise/White River turnoff to Sunrise: 15 miles (27 km) /45 minutes
Seattle to Paradise via SR 706: 107 miles (159 km)/2.5 hours
Seattle to Paradise via SR 410 and Enumclaw: 109 miles (175 km)/3 hours
Yakima to Paradise: 99 miles (159 km)/2 hours
Remember to check the Park Construction page to see if any ongoing work will affect travel times!
3. How far is it to Mount St. Helens?
Should we visit the west side or east side of Mount St. Helens? It takes about 3 hours to drive from Paradise to the west side of Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument, and about 2.5 hours to drive to the east side. First time visitors should try to schedule a visit to the Johnston Ridge or Coldwater Ridge Visitors Centers on the west side of the monument, to learn the most about the eruption and subsequent changes to the plant and animal life. The east side of the monument has limited services and roads are closed by the Forest Service over the winter.
4. Is gas available in the park?
Gas is NOT available in the park, but there are gas stations in nearby communities. Make sure you have plenty of gas before you begin your exploration of the park!
5. Where can I find food, gifts, lodging?
operates the Paradise Inn, National Park Inn, and Sunrise Day Lodge. The Paradise Inn is open late May to early October for lodging, meals, and gifts. The National Park Inn in Longmire is open year-round for food, lodging, and gifts. The Sunrise Lodge is open for meals and gifts July through September. There are no overnight accommodations at Sunrise. Lodging, groceries, and meals are also available in nearby communities including Ashford, Elbe, Packwood, Enumclaw.
6. How much does it cost to get into the park?
Information on entrance fees, including commercial bus tours, is posted on the fees & passes page. Camping fees are not included in the entrance fee.
7. Where can we park at Paradise?
Parking is limited at Paradise, and finding a parking place on busy summer days can be frustrating. To minimize your frustration, visit on a weekday if possible, arrive at Paradise early in the day or in late afternoon, and carpool from Longmire or Ohanapecosh if you and friends are traveling in more than one vehicle. Resist the temptation to park unsafely or illegally. Once the Paradise parking areas are full, there is no additional parking. You can drive through Paradise but will not be able to park there. Learn more tips to avoid summer congestion.
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Plants & Animals
1. How many species of plants are in the park?
There are approximately 900 plant species in the park, including over 100 exotic species.
2. When will the wildflowers peak?
The "peak" bloom for wildflowers is heavily dependent on weather and precipitation patterns, so accurate predictions are difficult. However, by mid-July, many flowers will be blooming in most years, and by the first of August the meadows should be very impressive. Frost can occur by late August, but even after light frosts the meadows continue to be very beautiful, thanks to changing leaf colors and seed pod development that take the place of colorful blossoms.
3. How many animal species live in the park?
Mount Rainier National Park is home to approximately 54 species of mammals, 126 species of birds, and 17 species of amphibians and reptiles.
4. What's that grayish animal with the pointy nose we see along the roadside?
That's a red fox, sometimes called a 'silver phase' red fox, referring to the charcoal coloring in its fur. The gray and black fur mixed with the redder fur is normal for the red fox population here, and the coloration doesn't change from season to season.
5. What is the chunky animal that we see along the trails? It's shaped sort of like a small bear.
That's a hoary marmot, one of the meadow residents that's easy to see during the summer months. Marmots generally like to stay in the subalpine meadows rather than the lower forests, and they hibernate in the winter.