03/25/2025 The Paradise Road is open to Longmire. All vehicles, including 4WD and AWD, must carry tire chains and be ready to use them. The road is projected to re-open Friday 03/28 at 9:00 AM but is subject to change, check back for updates. More
The National Park Service (NPS) and the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) are seeking public input on a proposed project that would reduce the risk of flooding and erosion to a segment of State Route 410 (SR 410) adjacent to the White River in Mount Rainier National Park.
Mount Rainier National Park has changed its wilderness permit fee structure from a flat $20 per trip to $10 per person per night. A $6 fee for trips reserved through Recreation.gov remains unchanged.
Mount Rainier National Park is seeking properties to lease for use by park employees for the spring, summer, and fall seasons (March to November) 2025.
Two major Mount Rainier National Park construction projects starting in 2025 will replace decades-old crumbling infrastructure in the park’s popular Ohanapecosh Campground and improve travel through the park on State Route 123.
Mount Rainier National Park announced updates today to the winter 2024-25 recreation access schedule. Beginning Tuesday, November 12, the park will open vehicle access to the Paradise area four days per week, Fridays through Mondays.
The White River Road to the White River Campground area will close for the winter at 1:00 p.m. on Monday, October 14, 2024. Deployment of Mount Rainier National Park staff to the Hurricane Helene recovery effort necessitates the change to the new closure date from the prior estimated closure date of October 20, 2024. The Mowich Lake Road will close at 9 a.m. on Monday, October 14, 2024.
Mount Rainier National Park has lifted the parkwide fire ban after consultation with federal fire management officials. Campfires are permitted at the park’s three campgrounds, including the Ohanapecosh Campground, the Cougar Rock Campground, and the White River Campground.
Mount Rainier National Park is asking the public for feedback on the timed entry reservation pilot program for visits to the Paradise and Sunrise Corridors that was unveiled this summer and will last through Labor Day 2024.
Mount Rainier National Park reminds park visitors considering coming to the park to view the Perseid meteor shower to plan ahead, be prepared to pack out trash, and to stay on park trails and avoid trampling fragile high elevation subalpine meadows.
Due to updated information on regional fire risks, Mount Rainier National Park will implement a parkwide fire ban starting Saturday, August 10, 2024. The press release dated August 7, 2024, instituting a fire ban only at the White River Campground starting Friday, August 9 has been rescinded.