Forecasted weather impacts are for Wed afternoon/evening. Visitors should take shelter in the National Park Inn in Longmire as needed and avoid outdoor activities until the threat of severe weather has passed.
03/25/2025 The Paradise Road is open to Longmire. All vehicles, including 4WD and AWD, must carry tire chains and be ready to use them. The road is projected to re-open Friday 03/28 at 9:00 AM but is subject to change, check back for updates. More
Mount Rainier National Park was created to protect and preserve unimpaired iconic Mount Rainier, along with its natural and cultural resources, values, and dynamic processes.
The park provides opportunities for people to experience, understand, and care for the park environment, and provides for wilderness experiences and sustains wilderness values.
Be a Mount Rainier Champion by learning more about park resources and supporting park efforts by sharing #RainierPledge!
Take the Mount Rainier Pledge
You can help safeguard this place, and its resources and intrinsic values by taking the Mount Rainier Pledge.
I Pledge to:
“Protect Mount Rainier’s meadows and lakes bystaying on trails in meadows and around lakes. One step onto a meadow damages an average of 17 plants that will take years to recover!
Never take my pets on trails or meadows. Pets are not permitted on trails. They are only permitted in campgrounds, parking lots, and on roads open for travel and must be on leashes no longer than six feet.
Respect the land and all that is connected to it as the original stewards of this land did and their descendants continue to do today.
Welcome all people I encounter during my visit.
Leave No Trace of my visit. Planning ahead and being prepared, disposing of waste properly, and leaving what you find, are just a few ways you can Leave No Trace.
Keep Wildlife Wild by not feeding or approaching animals. Feeding wildlife can be as direct as offering a bit of your lunch, or as indirect as leaving your food or garbage for animals to find.
Stay safe during my visit by keeping safety in mind. Watch for changes in weather and conditions. Know your limits when exploring Mount Rainier’s trails and backcountry.”