03/25/2025 The Paradise Road is open to Longmire. All vehicles, including 4WD and AWD, must carry tire chains and be ready to use them. The road is projected to re-open Friday 03/28 at 9:00 AM but is subject to change, check back for updates. More
The Mount Rainier National Park Valor Memorial. Honoring those employees and volunteers who lost their lives while saving others.
NPS Photo
The Mount Rainier National Park Valor Memorial ensures that the individuals who made the ultimate sacrifice while saving the lives of others, will never be forgotten:
Ranger Nick Hall
U.S. Park Ranger Margaret Anderson
Ranger Phil Otis
Ranger Sean Ryan
These individuals are also recognized on the In Memory page, along with Carpenter Murrell Trosper, who gave his life in service to the park.
The names of four individuals inscribed on the Valor Memorial, left to right: Nick Hall, Margaret Anderson, Phil Otis, and Sean Ryan.
Seven basalt stone columns placed in a natural configuration, along with a single entrance column, form the memorial. The memorial is intended to provide the opportunity to walk among the columns, to touch their rough but regular surface, and marvel in both their uniformity and individual attributes, not unlike the people they honor.
The memorial is located in the historic Longmire Stewardship Campground, adjacent to the Longmire Community Building. The site is discretely placed among fir and spruce trees, yet offers a spectacular view of Mount Rainier and the bands of andesite columns on Rampart Ridge that inspired the memorial’s design. The location invites quiet contemplation and reflection.
Funding for the memorial was provided by appropriated funds from the State of Washington and other donations were made for the memorial through Washington’s National Park Fund.
The Valor Memorial was dedicated on August 25, 2017 (news release). Valor Memorial dedication photos are available on Flickr.
NOTE: To reach the Valor Memorial, cross the the Nisqually Suspension Bridge in Longmire to the east side of the river. The Nisqually Suspension Bridge has a weight limit of 3 tons (6,000 pounds or 2721 kilograms). Vehicles over this weight limit CANNOT cross the bridge, including recreational vehicles (campers/trailers/motorhomes), maintenance trucks, box trucks, and medium trucks/SUVs pulling campers or trailers. Large trucks/SUVS can exceed the weight limit even without trailers. If your vehicle cannot cross the bridge, park in the main Longmire parking area near the National Park Inn and cross the bridge on foot.