Canyon Sketches are short, timely and newsworthy updates about Grand Canyon's natural, cultural and recreational resources. They highlight the ongoing work that Grand Canyon's Science and Resource Management staff does to monitor, inventory, restore, and rehabilitate park resources. The Canyon Sketches eMagazine is designed to provide specific information on resource challenges and Science and Resource Management activities.
Canyon Sketches Vol 26 - March 2013 Archaic Roasting Pit Excavated Near Three-Mile Resthouse on Bright Angel Trail In March 2008, archeologists from the Museum of Northern Arizona and Grand Canyon National Park excavated a prehistoric roasting pit near Three-Mile Resthouse on Bright Angel Trail that added to the understanding of the prehistoric human use of the area..
Canyon Sketches Vol 25 - May 2012 Museum Collection Curates Rare Minerals from Grandview Mine Grandviewite is turquoise-colored mineral only known from the Grandview Mine that was not formally named and described until 2007. In 2010, more than 1,200 mineral specimens from Grandview Mine were added to the Grand Canyon National Park's Museum Collection. Canyon Sketches Vol 24 - March 2012
Canyon Sketches Vol 23 - September 2011 2011 Humpback Chub Translocations to Havasu and Shinumo Creeks In June 2011, Grand Canyon National Park took another major step in the effort to restore native fish populations in the Grand Canyon with the release of 243 juvenile humpback chub into Havasu Creek. Translocations to tributaries may establish additional spawning populations of this endangered species in Grand Canyon or add to the number of humpback chub living in the Colorado River. Canyon Sketches Vol 22 - July 2011
Canyon Sketches Vol 21 - January 2011 Second Humpback Chub Translocation to Shinumo Creek in 2010 In June 2010, fisheries biologists released 300 young humpback chub into Shinumo Creek in Grand Canyon National Park. This second translocation augmented the number of humpback chub in Shinumo Creek following the 2009 release. Biologists hope that Shinumo Creek will provide rearing habitat for humpback chub in a natural environment outside the Little Colorado River.
Canyon Sketches Vol 20 - September 2010 Grand Canyon Association Grant provided by the National Parks Conservation Association Supports Grand Canyon’s Vegetation Volunteer Program Grand Canyon’s Vegetation Volunteer Program received a boost in 2010: a $70,000 grant from the Grand Canyon Association. Volunteers play a key role in protecting and restoring the park’s native vegetation. Canyon Sketches Vol 19 - May 2010 Canyon Sketches Vol 18 - March 2010
Canyon Sketches Vol 17 - February 2010 Grand Canyon Private Boater's Association Teams Up with NPS Staff to Rehabilitate Lees Ferry’s Private Boater’s Campsite In early February, five volunteers from Grand Canyon’s private boating community worked side-by-side with Grand Canyon National Park staff to improve the private boater camp at Lees Ferry. Crews defined camping pads, constructed trail and built fencing to define the parking area. The goal of the work was reduce human impacts to the area’s riparian vegetation and to enlarge the camp to accommodate two groups at a time. The project also was an opportunity for members of the private boating community to get to know park staff in an informal environment. Canyon Sketches Vol 16 - January 2010
Canyon Sketches Vol 15 - November 2009 Invasive Plant Control in Tuweep In March 2009, Grand Canyon National Park teamed up with the Coconino Rural Environmental Corps (CREC) to eradicate invasive plants in the Tuweep District. Canyon Sketches Vol 14 - October 2009
Canyon Sketches Vol 13 - September 2009 Four historic fire lookout towers in Grand Canyon National Park have been listed on the National Historic Lookout Register The National Historic Lookout Register identifies historic lookout towers that have played an important role in forest conservation. These towers are no longer active, but they were an important role in the early fire-fighting efforts of Grand Canyon National Park. Canyon Sketches Vol 12 - August 2009 Canyon Sketches Vol 11 - July 2009 Canyon Sketches Vol 10 - May 2009
Canyon Sketches Vol 09 - March 2009 Archeologists Excavate Two Sites Along the Colorado River During the Fall of 2008, archeologists excavated two archeological sites as part of a three-year project along the Colorado River corridor in Grand Canyon. One of the excavated sites has evidence of as many as six different human occupations over a time span of 3,500 years.
Canyon Sketches Vol 08 - December 2008 Park Biologists Survey for Non-Native Brown-Headed Cowbirds Park biologists located 500 nests of songbirds in Grand Canyon National Park in 2008. Biologists searched for the nests as part of a project aimed at understanding the distribution of brown-headed cowbirds in the park, a non-native species. Cowbirds don't build their own nests or care for their young. They lay their eggs in the nests of other bird species, possibly impacting populations of the park's native bird species.
Canyon Sketches Vol 07 - November 2008 Native Plants Student Intern from Northern Arizona University Assists Vegetation Program Northern Arizona University senior Deon Ben worked at Grand Canyon National Park in 2008 as the Native Plant and Seed Intern. He collected seeds from more than 50 native plant species and assisted in a wide variety of other Vegetation Program projects while pursuing his degree in Environmental Studies.
Canyon Sketches Vol 06 - October 2008 Park Vegetation Crews Use Multiple Techniques to Restore Native Vegetation Along Hermit Road Hermit Road re-opened in November 2008 after a nine-month rehabilitation. Restoration of native vegetation along Hermit Road is one of the largest plant restoration and rehabilitation efforts ever undertaken at Grand Canyon National Park. The multi-faceted project includes a variety of restoration techniques and incorporates substantial contributions by park volunteers and interns. Canyon Sketches Vol 05 - August 2008 Canyon Sketches Vol 04 – June 2008 Canyon Sketches Vol 02 - April 2008 Canyon Sketches Vol 01 - July 2007 |
Last updated: February 7, 2018
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