South Rim Visitor Center is open today from 9 am to 4 pm. Follow link for a list of visitor services with hours of operation. Midday South Entrance lines are long. Arrive before 9 am or after 4 pm for shorter wait times. The North Rim reopens on May 15. More
Saturday, March 22, 2025 - Mostly Sunny —South Rim High 60°F (15°C) —Low: 34°F (1°C)
Trail closures: Bright Angel Trail between Havasupai Gardens and including the Silver Bridge CLOSED. River Trail CLOSED. Phantom Ranch CLOSED. Plateau Point and Plateau Point Trail CLOSED. Hikers visit this link for details and water availability. More
Grand Canyon National Park's "Minute Out In It" is a collection of short films of the park's nature and culture in action. Enjoy these sights and sounds from the Grand Canyon and be sure to look and listen for them during your next visit to the park.
Spend a Minute Out In It at Phantom Ranch overlooking the Bright Angel Creek. Feel the Sun on your face, the gentle breeze. Watch the creek ramble underneath the golden cottonwood leaves. Breathe. And remember your national parks are always here for you. May you have a bountiful and peaceful holiday season.
Dr. David Koerner is an Emeritus Associate Professor in Astronomy and Planetary Science at Northern Arizona University and an accomplished musician. He was selected as Grand Canyon's 11th Astronomer in Residence. "One of the themes of my residency is exploring deep time--both in earth and in sky. Deep time is a perceptual vastness, one that can make us feel small yet also deeply connected." Spend a Minute Out In It with David, as he serenades visitors with night-sky-themed music on the rim of the Canyon.
The Cellicion Zuni Dancers are world renowned for their performances of traditional Zuni Pueblo social songs & dances. Here, they perform the Buffalo Dance: " For some pueblos, when the first snow falls, they do this dance to stomp the moisture into the ground. We do it year-round as a prayer for rain. Further, when a white buffalo calf is born, it's a sign of prosperity." Spend a Minute Out In It with the Cellicion family, as they perform this "blessing dance, not just for Zuni, but for all mankind."
The Cellicion Zuni Dancers are world renowned for their performances of traditional Zuni Pueblo social songs & dances. Here, they perform the Star Dance: "Within this headdress, most of the heavenly beings are represented. The blue represents the sky, the black is the night, the white line along the edge is the Milky Way. The three stars on top are the morning, evening, and north stars." Spend a Minute Out In It with the Cellicion family, as they dance for one of the most pristine night skies in the world.
The Cellicion Zuni Dancers are world renowned for their performances of traditional Zuni Pueblo social songs & dances. Here, they perform the Pottery Dance: "Long ago, before our Pueblo had running water, the women would walk to the spring for water. Often, with hands full, they'd balance a pot on their heads back to the village. Along the way they'd sing, thanking the Creator for water." Spend a Minute Out In It with the Cellicion family, as they keep the traditions of this increasingly rare dance alive.
The Cellicion Zuni Dancers are world renowned for their performances of traditional Zuni Pueblo social songs & dance. Here, they perform the Deer Dance: "When a deer is harvested and brought into the home, it is treated with respect. When we send a deer into the spirit world, we do so with the same ceremonies and prayers as we do with our loved ones." Spend a Minute Out In It with the Cellicion family, as the pay homage to an animal that has sustained their people in the southwest since time immemorial.
The Bighorn sheep rut, or mating season, occurs every fall. Male sheep, or rams, establish dominance hierarchies amongst themselves through fierce head-butting competitions. Rams then seek herds of ewes, or female sheep, where they engage in courtship displays. Unlike elk, Bighorn males do not tend to a single harem--instead, they move between herds finding the most estrous ewes. Spend a Minute Out In It with this herd of Bighorn, as they feed together on the rim of the Canyon on a crisp fall morning.
The Little Wranglers are a Diné (Navajo) youth performance group from Tohatchi, New Mexico. Through song and dance, they carry on traditional teachings and history of the Diné people. Each performance has a healing purpose and is a major part of Diné culture. This dance features Snowflake Blackwell, who was recently crowned Inter-Tribal Little Miss Ceremonial. Spend a Minute Out In It with the Little Wranglers, as they reconnect with their cultural traditions--an essential part of their growing identities.
Grand Canyon is a popular waystation that monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) use along their migratory route from Canada to Mexico each fall. Their large, bright orange wings are a beautiful sight and a way to warn predators that the butterfly is poisonous to consume. Grand Canyon National Park participates in monarch studies as the species and its migration are sensitive to climatic changes. Take a "Minute Out In It" to flit about with a park ranger as she works to catch and tag monarchs.
Among the 1,750 species of plants at Grand Canyon, there is only one federally-listed as endangered: the sentry milkvetch (Astragalus cremnophylax var. cremnophylax). A member of the pea family, sentry milkvetch is a tiny, perennial herb that grows only in shallow soil pockets in cracks of the Kaibab Limestone, within 25 feet of the rim of Grand Canyon. Spend a Minute Out In It with the park's Vegetation crew, as they protect some of the precious few sentry milkvetch growing on the edge of the world.
Hopisinom (the Hopi people) have a traditional calendar that speaks to their connection to the changes in seasons through ceremony. Each moon cycle is named to coincide with the time of year. This time of year, 'baby hawks' grow stronger for the coming winter, symbolic of the young members who have been newly initiated into the tribe. Spend a Minute Out In It watching Kelmuya, the November Sparrow Hawk Moon, rise over Ongtupqa (Grand Canyon).
Hopisinom (the Hopi people) have a traditional calendar that speaks to their connection to the changes in seasons through ceremony. Each moon cycle is named to coincide with the time of year. In July, the Hopi ritualize the going-home dance ceremonies known as Niman, when the spiritual entities known as Katsinas depart the Hopi Villages and return to the sacred Katsina Peaks. Spend a Minute Out In It watching Nimanmuya, the July Going Home Moon, rise over Ongtupqa (Grand Canyon).
Grand Canyon Railway steam doubleheader arriving at Grand Canyon Village to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the revival of Grand Canyon Railway, on September 21, 2019. The train featured No. 29 and No. 4960 pulling the Williams Flyer round-trip from Williams, Arizona to Grand Canyon, with no diesel locomotive assist.
Recorded on April 17, 2011 at Pipe Creek, which is along the Tonto Trail and east of Indian Garden. The condor in the video is #87, a male, hatched in captivity on 4/22/1998. In 2008: sired 476M/H6 w/ 133F/33 in Redwall cave below Grandeur Point.
Split Rock is located on Bright Angel Creek and along the North Kaibab Trail, above Cottonwood Campground and about 1/2 mile (.8km) below the Roaring Springs Ranger Station. (residence) The North Kaibab Trail is the least visited but most difficult of the three maintained trails at Grand Canyon National Park. (There is no narration accompanying this video)
Serenity comes to Grand Canyon during the winter. Stillness. On clear, crisp mornings, some bundle up and venture out to witness sunrise on the rim. Low temperatures are generally in the teens along the Rim; however afternoon highs still average in the 40s (4-9°C), due to the amount of sunshine the area receives.