Contact Us

By Email

Before you send your message!
We receive a lot of emails requesting information that is available on our website. Please browse the topics listed in the site index before submitting your message, and keep in mind that our site contains far more information than we can email you. Thanks!

Phone Numbers
  • General Park Information: (928) 638-7888
  • Public Affairs Office: (928) 638-7779
  • Backcountry Information Center: (928) 638-7875 between 8 am and 5 pm Monday through Friday, except on federal holidays
  • River Permits Office: (800) 959-9164 or (928) 638-7884

Fax Numbers

  • River Permit Office: (928) 638-7844

Write to

Grand Canyon National Park
P.O. Box 129
Grand Canyon, AZ 86023

Note: The park is not able to receive or to hold mail at this address for park visitors. The Grand Canyon Post Office is not permitted to release mail from the National Park Service box to park visitors.

To mail something to yourself, it is possible to send it to:

Visitor Name
General Delivery
Grand Canyon, AZ 86023
(South Rim only)

To pick up General Delivery mail at the Grand Canyon Post Office, you must present 2 valid pieces of identification.

Last updated: December 21, 2023

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

PO Box 129
Grand Canyon, AZ 86023



Contact Us