On this page:
Construction Drawings
Division 1 Specifications
Divisions 2 through 49 Construction Specifications
Final Product File
Statement of Structural Tests and Special Inspections
Profit Calculator
Contract Price Schedule
Completed Construction Inspection Checklist
Submittal List
Closeout and Operation & Maintenance (O&M) Requirements
Final Constructability Checklist
Value Methodology Report
Class A MasterFormat Construction Cost Estimate and Construction Schedule
Design Calculations
Submit 100% Draft CD for Review
Submit 100% Complete CD for Final Approval
Submit Final CD Stamped & Signed
100% Draft Construction Documents (CD) shall consist of the following. (Additional types of information, processes and considerations may be required for certain projects.)
Construction Drawings
- Cover sheet
- Second sheet border
- Index sheet (may be included on cover sheet)
- General Sheets
- Overall site plan showing total project
- Existing conditions (as base)
- Contractor staging areas (construction storage, field office, construction camp) with adequate space or sequencing needs
- Construction limits
- Construction access
- Survey control, monuments and benchmarks with coordinates and elevations
- Property lines with bearings, easements, utility corridors and setbacks
- Proposed construction (i.e. outline of new structures, utilities, roadways, walks)
- Unique construction requirements
- Existing conditions plan
- Existing contours and spot elevations
- Existing buildings and other structures
- Existing site features: roads, parking, structures, walks, steps, walls, etc.
- Existing utilities, above and below ground, shown to scale (inlets, lift stations, propane tanks, septic tanks, culverts, etc.) include spot elevations for each, invert elevations for all below ground structures. Use appropriate symbols for small utility items (i.e. lighting, transformers, pull boxes, manholes, inlets, etc.)
- Existing land features and vegetation
- Overall symbol legend and abbreviations list, if applicable.
- Demolition plan, as appropriate. Demolition may be shown on discipline sheets if more appropriate.
- HazMat plans, as appropriate.
- Code Analysis and Architectural Barriers Act Accessibility Standards (ABAAS) Compliance Plans
- Universal Design and Accessibility Site Plan
- Universal Design and Accessibility Building Plan
- Fire Safety Plan
- Fire Egress Plan
- Civil Engineering Sheets
- Site Plan
- Existing conditions (as base)
- Discipline specific notes, legends, code references, symbols and abbreviations.
- Monuments and benchmarks identified with coordinates and elevations.
- Site features: roads, parking, structures, walks, steps, walls, etc.
- Utilities shown to scale (lighting, transformers, pull boxes, manholes, inlets, lift stations, propane tanks, septic tanks, culverts, etc.) Use appropriate symbols for small utility items (i.e. lighting, transformers, pull boxes, manholes, inlets, etc.
- Geotechnical testing areas, boring locations, percolation test holes
- Construction limits
- Road and Parking
- Existing conditions (as base) with plan and profile sheet outlines, as appropriate.
- Plan and profile sheets
- Typical cross-sections
- Road and parking cross-sections
- Road and parking centerline stations, bearings, distances, and curve data (layout tables, as appropriate)
- Accessible parking, drop-off, oversized parking, and all accessible routes clearly delineated
- Intersections and other site radii identified with radius and coordinates
- Construction limits
- Storm Water
- Existing conditions (as base)
- Collection, treatment (i.e. settlement ponds), and layouts (plan and profile sheets, as appropriate)
- Structures plans, elevations and details
- Construction limits
- Utilities Plans
- Existing conditions (as base)
- Water pumping, treatment, storage, and distribution system layout and profile (plan and profile sheets, as appropriate), component sizes, material callouts
- Wastewater collection, treatment, and disposal system layout and profile, component sizes, material callouts
- System processes and flow diagrams
- Utilities (identified for removal or abandonment, as appropriate)
- Construction limits
- Project Details
- Details (i.e. trenching details, thrust blocks, water/sewer line crossings, silt fence, sewer cleanouts, manholes, valves and boxes, curb stops, fire hydrants, air release valves, sewage air release valves, irrigation details, pressure relief valves, meters and boxes, pressure regulators, check valves and boxes, backflow preventors, septic tanks, absorption trenches, distribution boxes, piping connections, water well details, lift station details, storm water details, storage tank details)
- Landscape Architecture Sheets
- Demolition Plan (if required)
- Existing conditions (as base)
- Structures
- Plant material (tree protection, plants to be removed or salvaged)
- Utilities (identified for removal or abandonment)
- Storm water protection
- Site furnishings
- Clearing and grubbing
- Construction limits
- Site Plan
- Existing conditions (as base)
- Discipline specific notes, legends, symbols and abbreviations.
- Storm water protection
- Site features: roads, parking, structures, walks, steps, walls, etc.
- Accessible parking, drop-off, oversized parking, and all accessible routes clearly delineated
- Utilities shown, as appropriate, to scale (lighting, transformers, pull boxes, manholes, inlets, lift stations, propane tanks, septic tanks, culverts, etc.) Use appropriate symbols for small utility items (i.e. lighting, transformers, pull boxes, manholes, inlets, etc.
- Sections and elevations identified
- Site elements and details identified
- Construction limits
- Site Layout Plan
- Existing conditions (as base)
- Roads, parking, walks and service areas:
- Coordinates for building and site layout (identify location of point - foundation, finish wall, etc.)
- Coordinates for all corner points of walks, parking, walls, and site features (identify location of point - foundation, face of curb, etc.)
- Control point, corner point, and radius point tables
- Dimensioned traffic markings
- Accessible parking, drop-off, oversized parking, and all accessible routes clearly dimensioned
- Dimensioned walks, steps, walls with footings, terraces, drainage and utility structures, and site elements
- Buildings and structures
- Finish floor elevations noted
- Roof overhangs, footings
- Outdoor lighting
- Above and below ground utilities, as appropriate
- Construction limits
- Grading Plan
- Existing conditions (as base)
- Existing contours and spot elevations
- Proposed grading
- Proposed contours (maximum 2 feet contour interval with each 10 feet interval in heavier pen weight and labeled)
- Spot elevations at all change in gradient, at all corners of walks, walls, parking, drainage inlets and outlets, and all site elements
- Spot elevations at top and bottom of walls, steps and ramps
- Accessible parking, drop-off, oversized parking, and all accessible routes have adequate spot elevations identified to construct to ABAAS requirements
- High points, low points, swale centerlines
- Storm water protection elements
- Finish floor elevations at each access point of structures
- Tree and vegetation protection
- Utility systems
- Construction limits
- Planting/Revegetation/Irrigation Plan
- Plant list with quantities and symbols
- Details and cross-sections
- Site Details
- Paving, finishes
- Erosion control (storm water protection)
- Accessibility
- Stairs, handrails, ramps
- Site furnishings
- Typical and special construction details
- Site Elevations
- Entrances
- Exterior materials with major site elements
- Dimensions
- Site Sections
- Typical sections
- Stairs
- Site Walls
- Material changes/connections, paving (curb/walk)
- Key site elements
- Sign Plan
- Traffic signs (park wayfinding and Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD))
- Accessible signs
- Interpretive signs and waysides
- Pedestrian and trail signs
- Unique construction signs
- Architecture Sheets
- Finalized General Sheet(s)
- Notes, legends, code references, fire safety plan, symbols and abbreviations legends, and accessibility prototype layouts for entries, maneuvering and approach space, path clearances, and restroom fixtures and accessories
- Finalized Demolition Drawings with Legends
- Floor Plans
- Spaces individually delineated and labeled
- Section cut references
- General notes and annotations on the same sheet
- Dimensions
- Clearly Identify demo work
- Roof Plans
- Section cut references
- Plan dimensions
- General notes and annotations
- Clearly Identify demo work
- Building Sections
- Floor levels
- Vertical dimensions/floor levels
- Spaces labeled
- General notes and annotations on the same sheet
- Clearly Identify demo work
- Building Elevations
- Entrances, window arrangements, doors
- Exterior materials with major vertical and horizontal joints
- Roof levels and overhangs
- Vertical Dimensions
- General notes and annotations on the same sheet
- Clearly Identify demo work
- Finalized New or Adaptive Use Drawings
- All Building Floor Plans
- Spaces individually delineated and labeled
- Section cuts and detail references
- Enlarged layouts of special spaces (dimensioned)
- Plan Dimensions (verified with structural)
- Finish floor elevations
- Door swings and marks
- Entries with power operated doors per DSC Accessibility Standards
- Window openings and marks
- Stairs and elevators
- Overhead openings dashed
- Wall types call-outs
- Signage type location reference
- General notes and annotations on the same sheet
- Material legends
- Clearly distinguish new work from existing
- All Building Roof Plans
- General notes and annotations on the same sheet
- Section cut references
- Plan dimensions
- Indicate roof pitch/taper and drainage arrows
- Gutters and downspouts
- Primary and secondary roof drains and scuppers
- Label roof assembly and deck materials
- Maintenance/service access path
- Clearly distinguish new work from existing
- Identify plumbing, Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC) and electrical roof penetrations, equipment, and architectural features
- All Building Elevations
- Entrances, window arrangements, doors
- Exterior materials with major vertical and horizontal joints
- Roof levels and overhangs dimensioned
- Vertical dimensions and elevations
- General notes and annotations on the same sheet
- Clearly distinguish new work from existing
- Building Sections (minimum one longitudinal and one transverse)
- Floor to floor dimensions (verified with structural)
- Vertical dimensions with elevation targets
- Stairs and elevator shafts
- Typical ceiling heights
- Room labels
- General notes and annotations on the same sheet
- Building and wall section references
- Detail References
- Clearly distinguish new work from existing
- Interior Elevations
- Floor to floor dimensions with elevation targets
- Doors and windows
- Millwork with custom construction/features
- Wall finishes
- Ceiling heights and finishes
- Materials legends
- Clearly distinguish new work from existing
- Floor finishes
- Accessories with legends
- All Reflected Ceiling Plans
- Ceiling configuration and materials legends
- Lighting fixture layout
- Clearly distinguish new work from existing
- All roof construction details
- All wall sections referenced to building plans and sections
- All roof, door, and window details referenced to plans and schedules
- Typical wall types
- All special construction details
- All Room finish, hardware, door and window schedules
- All millwork plans, sections, elevations, and details
- All Equipment layouts dimensioned
- Keynotes shall contain complete text note, not specification reference
- Keynote Legend shall be on the same sheet as keynote reference
- Project signage including custom/marque (architectural), accessible (tactile and visual), heritage (park) signs, site (traffic), and exit signs required by code. Typology, schedule, layout detail and mounting locations/elevations required.
- All accessibility dimensions shall be specific to drawing/detail location, utilizing an accessible route plan, not referenced remotely to a standards sheet with prototypes.
- Structural Sheets
- General
- Applicable Codes and Standards
- Listing of design loads and all required information in accordance with International Building Code (IBC) Section 1603
- Listing of all structural materials used, including material strengths
- Exposure Category and requirements for concrete
- Diaphragm fastening requirements
- Requirements for special inspection IBC Chapter 17
- List of abbreviations
- Symbols legend
- Standard Details
- Standard details applicable to the project
- Control joint details for all materials. Control joints shall be located by dimension on the plan sheets. References to the architectural drawings for control joint locations are unacceptable.
- Reinforcing steel splice length schedule
- Lintel schedule(s)
- Shearwall schedule
- Foundation Plan
- Fully dimensioned foundation plan (references to the architectural drawings for foundation dimensions are unacceptable) including:
- Overall building dimensions
- Column gridlines
- Location of foundation elements with respect to column gridlines
- Location of slab edges
- Location of control joints
- Location of slab recesses
- Location of elevator pits
- Location of footing and foundation wall steps
- Location of foundation wall masonry ledges
- Size of all foundation elements
- Foundation wall thickness
- Top of footing elevations (locating top of footing with respect to finished grade is not acceptable)
- Masonry ledge elevations
- Top of wall elevations
- All required section cuts
- Floor Framing Plan
- Fully dimensioned floor framing plan (references to the architectural drawings for framing dimensions are unacceptable) including:
- Overall building dimensions
- Column gridlines
- Location of framing elements with respect to column gridlines
- Top of beam elevations
- Size and spacing of framing members
- Locations of openings for floor penetrations
- Size and direction of span of floor sheathing or decking
- Camber requirements
- All required section cuts
- Roof Framing Plan
- Fully dimensioned roof framing plan (references to the architectural drawings for framing dimensions are unacceptable) including:
- Overall building dimensions
- Column gridlines
- Location of framing elements with respect to column gridlines
- Top of beam elevations
- Size and spacing of framing members
- Locations of openings for roof penetrations
- Size and direction of span of roof sheathing or decking
- Camber requirements
- All required section cuts
- Details
- Foundation Details
- Footing/foundation wall details showing relationship to floor structural system
- Piling/pile cap details showing relationship to floor structural system
- Floor Framing Details
- Connection Details
- Loading diagrams for special load cases for steel bar joists
- Column and base plate schedules for steel buildings
- Column and beam schedules for concrete buildings
- Roof Framing Details
- Connection Details
- Loading diagrams for special load cases for steel bar joists
- Column and base plate schedules for steel buildings
- Column and beam schedules for concrete buildings
- Prefab truss profiles with loading diagrams for all load cases
- Mechanical Sheets
- Site Mechanical Plan (if applicable, with all features drawn to scale)
- Detail drawings showing major mechanical details and sections, including all piping and ductwork connections to mechanical equipment.
- Mechanical Floor Plans (Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC), plumbing, and fire protection), with all cross-references between sheets.
- Enlarged scale mechanical plans for mechanical rooms where all necessary plan information cannot be conveyed at a smaller drawing scale.
- Discipline specific notes, legends, code references, symbols and abbreviations.
- HVAC system schematics and flow diagrams
- Mechanical equipment schedules
- Plumbing fixture connection schedule
- Plumbing isometrics or riser diagrams for water systems and drain, waste, and vent (DWV) systems for each restroom, plumbing stack, or other groups of plumbing fixtures where all information cannot be shown on plan sheets
- HVAC control schematics and sequences of operation
- Electrical Sheets
- Electrical floor plans, with all cross-references between sheets
- Enlarged scale electrical plans for critical spaces where all necessary plan information cannot be conveyed at a smaller drawing scale
- Site electrical plan showing routing with telecommunications, site lighting, transformers, generators and vaults drawn to scale
- Detail drawings showing major electrical details and sections, including conduit routing to major electrical equipment
- Branch circuiting for all electrical devices
- Equipment disconnect switch locations and ratings
- Discipline specific notes, legends, code references, symbols and abbreviations.
- Panel board and light fixture schedules
- Fire alarm matrix, riser and device location plans
- Lightning protection plans (if applicable)
- Telecommunication plans (if applicable)
- Single line diagrams for power distribution, telecommunications, fire alarm, and security systems.
- Security system plans
- Control wiring diagrams
Division 1 Specifications
- Utilize the Division 1 Specifications templates.
- Refer to instructions included in the Division 1 Specifications download.
- Edit templates to meet requirements of this project.
Divisions 2 through 49 Construction Specifications
- Table of Contents: Indicate specification section number, title, and the number of sheets per section.
- Comply with Construction Specifications Institutes (CSI) MasterFormat 04.
Final Product File
- Copies of catalog cuts, as necessary, to explain all work.
Statement of Structural Tests and Special Inspections
Profit Calculator
Contract Price Schedule
Completed Construction Inspection Checklist (Phase 1 projects only)
Utilize the Construction Inspection Checklist template.
Submittal List
Closeout and Operation & Maintenance (O&M) Requirements
Finalize NPS Constructability Checklist (CD Resolution)
Value Methodology Report
- Update and finalize Value Methodology Report. Value Methodology Report template and other VM Tools (templates and standards) are available through NPS Project Managers (PMs).
Class A MasterFormat Construction Cost Estimate and Construction Schedule
Design Calculations
Provide all design calculations used to arrive at the final design, including narrative, as necessary, to explain all work. The following list is an example of possible calculations that may apply. Additional types of calculations may be required for certain projects:
- Civil Engineering Calculations
- Overall
- Civil Engineering calculations should be submitted as a consolidated set. Provide a Table of Contents and provide tabs to differentiate between calculations.
- All calculations should be reviewed by the Engineer of Record prior to submittal.
- All calculation sheets shall bear the name, initials, and date of the individual who prepared the calculations and shall also include the name, initials and date of the individual who reviewed the calculations.
- All calculations shall be clearly referenced to the applicable project elements shown on the drawings and/or specifications.
- Standard or custom spreadsheets and/or data output sheets (i.e. - WaterCAD, StormCAD, etc) shall clearly identify all input data, all design values, all system variables, etc.
- All Civil Engineering calculations shall:
- Reference all applicable code requirements, industry standards, technical design standards, design references, product literature, etc as required.
- Be coordinated with the submitted drawings and specifications.
- Define and identify all design criteria, all design values, all design assumptions, all design equations and methods, etc.
- General Civil Engineering Subgroups
- Civil Engineering calculations shall be organized and categorized within the following "General Subgroups".
(Note: The list of calculations provided below are not intended to be "all-inclusive", but have been provided as general categories which would be submitted as part of the "General Subgroups" listed.)
- Design and Analysis of Traffic Systems
- Traffic Control Systems and Devices
- Network Capacity
- Intersection Capacity
- Parking
- Capacity Simulation
- Design and Analysis of Transportation Facilities
- Horizontal Curves, Vertical Curves, Spiral Curves
- Stopping Sight Distance
- Skidding Distance
- Highway Embankments
- Pavements
- Site Surfaces
- Subgrades
- Soils and Drainage
- Pavement Calculations
- Equivalent Single Axle Loads
- American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Rigid Pavement Design
- AASHTO Flexible Pavement Design
- Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) Rigid Pavement Design
- UFC Flexible Pavement Design
- Traffic Loadings
- Design and Analysis of Drainage/Flood Control Systems
- Drainage Systems and Appurtenances
- Pipe and Channel Systems
- Seepage
- Retention and Detention Ponds
- Open and Closed Flow Systems
- Design and Analysis of Natural Water Systems
- Watersheds
- Lakes, Streams
- Wetlands
- Erosion Control Measures
- Groundwater Pollution Monitoring and Control
- Design and Analysis of Water Supply Systems
- Collection
- Distribution
- Storage
- Wells
- Water Treatment Processes
- Water System Design Flow Calculations/Modeling
- System Processes and Flow Diagrams
- Hydraulic Profiles and Energy Gradelines
- Design and Analysis of Wastewater Treatment Systems
- Collection
- Flow Equalization
- Storage
- Wastewater Treatment Processes
- Sludge Disposal
- Wastewater System Design Flow Calculations/Modeling
- System Processes and Flow Diagrams
- Hydraulic Profiles and Energy Gradelines
- Design and Analysis of Solid/Hazardous Waste Systems
- Collection
- Storage
- Treatment
- Disposal (Composting, Recycling, Landfill)
- Energy Recovery
- Design and Analysis of Soils (Geotechnical)
- Earth Exploration
- Pavement Design
- Trenching Requirements
- Retaining Walls
- Earth Dams
- Embankments
- Slope Stability
- Tunneling
- Surveying and Earthwork Calculations
- Coordinates
- Latitudes and Departures
- Azimuths
- Traverses
- Area Measurement by Coordinate Method
- Topographic Surveying Calculations
- Earthwork Volumes
- Hydrology
- Rainfall Intensity
- Time of Concentration
- Stormwater Runoff
- Rational Method
- Modified Rational Method
- Open Channel and Culverts
- Velocity Calculations
- Discharge Calculations
- Critical Depth Calculations
- Weirs
- Inlet Control
- Outlet Control
- Water Piping and Systems
- Velocity Head
- Pipe Friction Loss
- Minor Losses/Equivalent Length
- Total Dynamic Head
- Pump Curves
- Pump Station Sizing
- Pipe Loading
- Sanitary Sewer Piping and Systems
- Flow Velocity
- Discharge
- Slope of Energy Grade Line
- Pipe Friction Loss
- Pump Curves
- Lift Station Sizing
- Pipe Loading
- Structural Engineering Calculations
- General:
- All calculation sheets shall bear the initials and date of the person who prepared the calculations and the initials and date of the reviewer.
- Prior to submitting to the National Park Service, all calculations shall be reviewed by the Architect/Engineer.
- Calculations shall be clearly referenced to the drawings. Descriptions such as "West Wall Framing," "Moment Frame at Grid Line E," should be used. In addition, key plans, and reduced size framing plans with member numbers, should also be used.
- If custom spreadsheets or Math-cad type output are used, all input data shall be clearly identified and labeled.
- Provide sketches and free-body diagrams for elements being designed.
- Structural calculations shall:
- Reference code sections, design, design books, product literature, etc, as required.
- Be coordinated with the submitted drawings.
- Structural Calculations shall be organized as follows:
- Section I - General
- Table of contents
- Design narrative - brief description of the approach and assumptions used for both gravity and lateral design. In addition, any unusual aspects of the design should be discussed.
- Site Specific Design Criteria, including:
- Applicable Codes
- Ground Snow Load
- Snow Importance Factor
- Snow Exposure Factor
- Wind Velocity
- Wind Importance Factor
- Wind Load Exposure Category
- Seismic - 0.2 Second Spectral Response
- Seismic - 1.0 Second Spectral Response
- Seismic Site Class
- Seismic Importance Factor
- Allowable foundation Bearing Pressure (or other Geotechnical Design Criteria)
- Frost Depth Requirements
- Section II - Loads
- Dead Load - include detailed tabulations
- Floor Live Load (FLL) including FLL reductions, where applicable
- Roof Live Load (RLL) including RLL reductions, where applicable
- Roof Snow Load including unbalanced and drift loads
- Wind Load including Main Wind Force Resisting System (MWFRS) and Components and Cladding loads
- Seismic Loads, including non-structural components
- Other
- Boardwalks
- Cranes
- Decks
- Equipment
- Exhibits
- Flood
- Pedestrian Bridges
- Vehicles
- Section III - Gravity Load Analysis and Design
- Roof
- Floors
- Walls
- Connections and anchorages
- Section IV - Lateral Load Analysis and Design
- Diaphragms
- Shearwalls/Frames
- Connections and Anchorages
- Non-structural components
- Equipment anchorage
- Section V - Foundation Analysis and Design
- Foundation walls
- Footings
- Grade beams
- Pile caps
- Piling
- Drilled piers/caissons
- Section VI - Other
- Boardwalks
- Cranes
- Decks
- Equipment
- Exhibits
- Flood
- Pedestrian Bridges
- Vehicles
- Appendix
Submitted output for gravity and lateral analyses from frame and/or finite element analysis software shall include:
- Sketch or wire diagram showing
- Joint coordinates
- Joint numbers
- Member numbers
- Supports
- Input Data
- Joint coordinates
- Member data including start and end joint numbers, end releases, member size/shape, unbraced lengths for design
- Support/boundary conditions
- Load cases
- Load combinations
- Output Data
- Joint reactions
- Joint deflections
- Member forces
- Element stresses
- Code checks (if performed)
- Mechanical Engineering Calculations
- General:
- All calculation sheets shall bear the initials and date of the person who prepared the calculations and the initials and date of the reviewer.
- Prior to submitting to the National Park Service, all calculations shall be reviewed by the Architect/Engineer.
- Heating/Cooling Load and Energy Calculations shall be clearly referenced to the drawings. Descriptions such as "Second Floor North East Corner," should be used. In addition, key plans, and reduced size floor plans with heat load zone labels, should also be used.
- If custom spreadsheets or Math-cad type output are used, all input data shall be clearly identified and labeled.
- Provide sketches for mechanical room, roof equipment and outdoor mechanical room layouts.
- Heating/Cooling and Energy calculations shall:
- Reference ASHRAE 90.1 (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers), include zone data, weather design conditions and product literature, etc, as required.
- Be coordinated with the submitted drawings.
- Mechanical Calculations shall be organized as follows:
- Section I - General
- Table of contents
- Basis of Design narrative - brief description of the approach and assumptions used for design. In addition, any unusual aspects of the design should be discussed.
- Site Specific Design Criteria, including:
- Weather Data
- Unique Equipment Cooling Loads
- Unique Ventilation Requirements
- Existing Control interface including web based communication
- Building Orientation
- Electric Power Availability
- Natural Gas Availability including gas main size and pressure
- Domestic Water Availability including main size and pressure
- Waste Water invert elevation
- Seismic - 0.2 Second Spectral Response
- Seismic - 1.0 Second Spectral Response
- Seismic Site Class
- Seismic Importance Factor
- Frost Depth Requirements
- Section II - Loads
- Load Calculations for Cooling and Heating
- Energy Modeling for ASHRAE 90.1 / Federal Sustainability Requirements
- Section III - Other Items
- Vehicle Exhaust Systems
- Special Filtration Requirements
- Humidification/Dehumidification Requirements
- Curatorial Temperature / Humidification Requirements
- Security Requirements - Man Bars, Enclosed Equipment
- Acoustical Requirements
- Appendix
Spatial equipment layouts shall include:
- Sketches showing
- Mechanical Room Equipment Layout
- Rooftop Equipment Layout
- Ground Mounted Equipment Layout including screening
- Equipment / Pipe Supports
- Electrical Engineering Calculations
- General:
- All calculation sheets shall bear the initials and date of the person who prepared the calculations and the initials and date of the reviewer.
- Prior to submitting to the National Park Service, all calculations shall be reviewed by the Architect/Engineer.
- Calculations shall be clearly referenced to the drawings. Items such as transformers, switchgear, switchboards, panelboards, buses, feeders, branch circuits, motors, generators, fault locations etc. should be clearly identified on calculation sheets, one-line diagrams and electrical drawings.
- Provide one-line diagrams that include all electrical system components.
- Electrical calculations shall:
- Reference all applicable code sections, design, product literature, etc, as required.
- Be coordinated with the submitted drawings.
- Electrical Calculations shall be organized as follows:
- Section I - General
- Table of contents
- Design narrative - brief description of the approach and assumptions (if any) used for electrical load calculations, fault calculations, voltage drop calculations and lightning risk assessments. In addition, any unusual aspects of the design should be discussed.
- Site Specific Design Criteria, including:
- Applicable Codes and Specific Code Sections or Articles
- Available Utility Fault Current Value
- Type of Structure
- Type of Construction
- Type(s) of Occupancy
- Section II - Electrical Load Calculations
- Electrical Load Calculations must be verifiable as being National Electric Code (NEC) Compliant.
- Panelboard schedules must include detailed per phase / per leg branch circuit load information and totals.
- All electrical load calculations shall be broken down in sufficient detail to verify NEC compliance. As a minimum, this breakdown shall include, but not be limited to:
- All non-continuous loads
- All continuous loads @ 125%
- Lighting Loads @ 125% (as applicable)
- Largest Motor Load @ 125%
- Demand Factors Utilized - Include reference to applicable NEC Articles.
- Other Code required inclusions and/or exclusions - Include reference to applicable NEC Articles.
- Section III - Fault Current Calculations
- As a minimum, fault current values shall be provided at:
- Service Entrance Point
- All distribution equipment (switchgear, motor control centers, panelboards, etc)
- Transformer primaries and secondary's
- Large Motors (25 horsepower or greater)
- Generator Secondary's
- Section IV - Voltage Drop Calculations
- Provide for all feeders and busses.
- Provide for all branch circuits greater than 100 feet in length.
- Section V - Lightning Risk Assessment
- Calculations shall be provided per NFPA 780 Annex L (National Fire Protection Association).
- Type of Structure
- Type of Construction
- Relative Location
- Topography
- Occupancy and Contents
- Lightning Frequency Isoceraunic Level
- Recommendation for Lighting Protection
- Appendix
Submitted output for fault current and voltage drop calculations shall include:
- Sketch or one-line diagram including locations and designations for:
- Distribution Equipment
- Fault current calculation points
- Feeder length, material, conductor sizes, number of conductors and conduit type
- Branch circuit length, material, conductor sizes, number of conductors and conduit type for branch circuits greater than 100 feet in length
- Motor characteristics
- Generator characteristics
- Input Data
- Service Voltage and Number of Phases
- Available Utility Fault Current at Service Point
- Feeder characteristics - length, material, number of conductors and conduit type
- Motor characteristics
- Generator characteristics
- Transformer characteristics
- Output Data
- Maximum fault current values
- Voltage drop and percentage voltage drop for all feeders
- Voltage drop and percentage voltage drop for all branch circuits greater than 100 feet.
- Code checks (if performed)
- Sustainability Calculations
- General:
- All calculation sheets shall bear the initials of the person who prepared the calculations (along with the date) and the initials of the reviewer (along with the date).
- Prior to submitting to the National Park Service, all calculations shall be reviewed by the Architect/Engineer>.
- Calculations shall be clearly referenced to applicable drawings and specification sections.
- If custom calculation files (e.g.,spreadsheets) are used, all input data shall be clearly identified and labeled.
- Sustainability calculations may include, but are not limited to:
- Building energy use calculations (including performance relative to ASHRAE 90.1 compliant designs) (note: overall building designs must show less energy usage than ASHRAE 90.1 allows by legislatively defined percentages).
- Energy Use Intensity for buildings. Estimate the total energy use of the building in units of BTU/sf/yr (British Thermal Unit per Square Foot per Year).
- Indoor lighting energy use calculations (Watts per square foot) - This is primarily required when designs for lighting levels in spaces are planned:
- to take advantage of an exception to the lighting power density allowances in ASHRAE 90.1, or
- to exceed the lighting power density allowances in ASHRAE 90.1 (note: overall building designs must show less energy usage than ASHRAE 90.1 allows by specified percentages and lighting contributes to this calculation).
- Indoor water use calculations
- Outdoor water use calculations
- Site hydrology calculations
- Daylighting calculations
- Solar water heating life cycle cost calculations
- Construction waste recycling calculations
- Thermal comfort calculations (ASHRAE 55)
- Ventilation calculations (ASHRAE 62.1)
- Recycled content calculations
- In many cases the calculation methods are described in applicable federal regulations. Consult the DSC Workflows Design Standards website for references to such federal regulations.
- Sustainability Calculations shall be organized as follows:
- Section I - General
- Project identification - Park Unit Name, Project Management Information System (PMIS) number, deliverable (i.e. predesign, schematic design, design development, etc)
- Narrative - Summary of the sustainability requirement and the demonstrated level of compliance as well as significant features (fixtures, equipment, materials, etc) used to achieve the sustainability requirements.
- Project specific design criteria applicable to the sustainability requirement which may include but not be limited to:
- Features of the project that makes meeting the sustainability requirements impossible
- Occupancy rates
- Seasonality of use
- Unusual indoor climate control conditions
- Process water requirements
- Nontraditional energy usage requirements
- Local recycling market information
- Exterior noise levels
- Section II - Benchmarks
- Describe the sustainability standard (compliance requirement).
- Identify the source of the sustainability standard.
- Section III - Design Calculations
- Present data to show compliance with the sustainability standard.
- Clearly identify the calculation result that demonstrates compliance with the standard.
- Clearly identify all assumptions (i.e. occupancy, insulation levels, equipment minimum efficiency, fixture water flow, predevelopment permeability of the site, etc).
- When commercially developed software is used clearly identify what commercial standards (i.e. ASHRAE 90.1 - 2007) and what software inputs are used (i.e. weather data file, standard building assembly data, etc).
- Section IV - Reference Data
- Describe where in the construction documents the fixtures, equipment, materials, etc are located (specification number and paragraph, drawing number, etc).
Submit 100% Draft CD for Review
- Construction Drawings
- Division 1 Specifications
- Divisions 2 through 49 Construction Specifications
- Final Product File
- Statement of Structural Tests and Special Inspections
- Profit Calculator
- Contract Price Schedule (price fields blank)
- Contract Price Schedule (price fields filled in based on Class A Construction Cost Estimate)
- Permits
- DSC GF Permits to be provided to the Construction Contractor
- List of Contractor Provided Permits (Division 1 Specifications Section 01 31 00)
- Completed Construction Inspection Checklist (Phase 1 projects only)
- Submittal List
- Closeout and Operation & Maintenance (O&M) Requirements
- Final NPS Constructability Checklist
- Value Methodology Report
- Class A MasterFormat Construction Cost Estimate and Construction Schedule
- Design Calculations
- Checklists for internal review of drawings, specifications, calculations, and cost estimates
- NPS DSC Quality Assurance (QA) Review Comments form with responses to Design Development Documents review comments
Submit 100% Complete CD for Final Approval
- Construction Drawings
- Division 1 Specifications
- Divisions 2 through 49 Construction Specifications
- Statement of Structural Tests and Special Inspections
- Profit Calculator
- Contract Price Schedule (price fields blank)
- Contract Price Schedule (price fields filled in based on Class A Construction Cost Estimate)
- Permits
- DSC GF Permits to be provided to the Construction Contractor
- List of Contractor Provided Permits (Division 1 Specifications Section 01 31 00)
- Final Construction Inspection Checklist (Phase 1 projects only)
- Submittal List
- Closeout and Operation & Maintenance (O&M) Requirements
- Final NPS Constructability Checklist
- Value Methodology Report
- Class A MasterFormat Construction Cost Estimate and Construction Schedule
- Design Calculations
- Checklists for internal review of drawings, specifications, calculations, and cost estimates
- NPS DSC QA Review Comments form with responses to 100% Draft CD review comments
Submit Final CD Stamped & Signed
- Final Construction Drawings
- Final Division 1 Specifications
- Final Divisions 2 through 49 Construction Specifications
- Final Statement of Structural Tests and Special Inspections
- Final Profit Calculator
- Final Contract Price Schedule (price fields blank)
- Final Contract Price Schedule (price fields filled in based on Class A Construction Cost Estimate)
- Permits
- Final Construction Inspection Checklist (Phase 1 projects only)
- Final Submittal List
- Final Closeout and Operation & Maintenance (O&M) Requirements
- Final NPS Constructability Checklist
- Final Value Methodology Report
- Final Class A MasterFormat Construction Cost Estimate and Construction Schedule
- Final Design Calculations
- Supplemental Design Reports
- Checklists for internal review of drawings, specifications, calculations, and cost estimates
- NPS DSC QA Review Comments form with responses to 100% Complete CD review comments