Definitions - T

Table of Contents (Cultural Landscape Report)
The table of contents should be formatted according to the main Cultural Landscape Report section headings and include appropriate sub-headings based on the report's content. The table of contents is followed by a list of illustrations and their credits when they are integrated within the main body of text.

Table of Contents (Historic Structure Report)
The table of contents should be formatted according to the main Historic Structure Report section headings and include appropriate sub-headings based on the report's content. The table of contents is followed by a list of illustrations and their credits when they are integrated within the main body of text.

Task Order
An order for services placed against an established contract or with Government sources. (FAR 2.101)

Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)

  1. The number required by the IRS to be used by the offeror in reporting income tax and other returns. (FAR 4.901)
  2. The number required by the IRS to be used by the offeror in reporting income tax and other returns. (FAR 52.204-3(a))

TDM - Travel Demand Management

T&E - Threatened & Endangered Species

TEA - Transportation Enhancement Activities

TEA-21 - Transportation Equity Act For The 21st Century

Technical Specialist (TS)
Member of the Technical Group specialists/staff assigned to specific projects as needs are identified by the PM to provide project quality assurance and expertise in a particular discipline.

Documents with required formatting, instructional notes, and standard verbiage. Templates may also include suggested verbiage for assistance in completing the document.

Termination for Convenience

  1. The Contracting Officer may terminate performance of work under the contract in whole or, from time to time, in part if the Contracting Officer determines that a termination is in the Government's interest. (FAR 52.249-2(a))
  2. The procedure that may apply to any Government contract, including multi-year contracts. As contrasted with cancellation, termination can be effected at any time during the life of the contract (cancellation is effected between fiscal years) and can be for the total quantity or a partial quantity (whereas cancellation must be for all subsequent fiscal years' quantities). (FAR 17.103)

Termination for Default
The exercise of the Government's contractual right to completely or partially terminate a contract because of the contractor's actual or anticipated failure to perform its contractual obligations. (FAR 49.401)

THPO - Tribal Historic Preservation Officer

Threatened & Endangered Species (T&E)
Threatened means that a species is likely to become endangered if it is not protected. Endangered means that a species is in immediate danger of becoming extinct and needs protection to survive.

Tiered Planning
NPS planning approach, in which the GMP sets the broad vision for what the parks should be and other layers of implementation planning fill in the details of how to accomplish the vision.

TIN - Taxpayer Identification Number

Topographic and Site Survey
Mapping a site's natural characteristics and artificial elements and its legal description.

Total Set-Aside for Small Business
Also referred to as a total small business set-aside. An individual acquisition or class of acquisitions restricted for participation by small business concerns. (FAR 19.502-2)

Traffic Island
An island provided in the roadway to separate or direct streams of traffic; includes both divisional and channelizing islands.

Traffic Markings
A traffic control device consisting of lines, patterns, words, symbols or colors on the pavement.

Transit Center / Transit Station
A mode transfer facility serving transit buses and other modes, such as automobiles and pedestrians. In the context of this document, transit centers are either on-line or off-line facilities with respect to the HOV lane.

Transit Enhancements
One percent of the urbanized-area formula funds distributed to areas with populations of over 200,000 must be used for transit enhancement projects specified in the Act. Eligible projects include bus shelters, increased access for persons with disabilities, public art, rehabilitation and renovation of historic transit facilities and vehicles, landscaping, and bicycle and pedestrian access.

Transportation Assistance Group
A team of multi-agency, multi-disciplinary expertise which provides the review of a prioritized PMIS submittal and project. The technical team confirms scope, elements, measurable results and funding outlined in the PMIS. Can change all of those elements and/or eliminate the project from consideration based upon the TAG review.

Transportation Enhancement Activities (TEA)
A funding category in the FHWA program. Ten percent of STP monies must be set aside for projects that enhance the seamless union of transportation facilities with their surroundings. Examples of TEA projects include bicycle and pedestrian paths, restoration of rail depots and other historic transportation facilities, acquisition of scenic or open space lands next to travel corridors, and murals and other public art projects.

Transportation Equity Act For The 21st Century (TEA-21)
Enacted in June 1998, this Federal transportation legislation retains and expands many of the programs created in 1991 under ISTEA. The legislation reauthorized Federal surface transportation programs for six years (1998-2003), and significantly increased overall funding for transportation.

Transportation Research Board (TRB)
The TRB is a division of the National Research Council, which serves as an independent adviser to the federal government and others on scientific and technical questions of national importance. The National Research Council is jointly administered by the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine. The mission of the TRB, one of six major divisions of the National Research Council, is to promote innovation and progress in transportation through research. In an objective and interdisciplinary setting, the TRB facilitates the sharing of information on transportation practice and policy by researchers and practitioners; stimulates research and offers research management services that promote technical excellence; provides expert advice on transportation policy and programs; and disseminates research results broadly and encourages their implementation.

Travel Demand Management (TDM)
A strategy for reducing congestion and pollution by reducing vehicle volume through such techniques as ridesharing and carpooling.

TRB - Transportation Research Board

A course of action for preservation such as a construction project or other activity. See Ultimate Treatment.

Treatment and Use (Historic Structure Report)
This narrative presents and evaluates alternative uses and treatments for a historic structure. Emphasis is on preserving extant historic material and resolving conflicts that might result from a structure's "ultimate treatment." Part 2 concludes by recommending a treatment and use responding to objectives identified by park management. In most cases, design work does not go beyond schematics.

A treatment is a strategy, usually determined in park planning documents that defines an appropriate type of action including preservation, rehabilitation, restoration, and reconstruction, as defined by the Secretary's Standards. Treatment and designated use affect the level of investigation. Generally, the more intensive the treatment and the greater the impact of the proposed use, more exhaustive research and investigation are needed, thereby affecting the breadth of scope of the proposed HSR. Restoration and reconstruction tend to be the most intensive treatments.

Tribal Historic Preservation Officer (THPO)
Tribal Historic Preservation Officer (THPO) is the tribal official appointed by the tribe's chief governing authority or designated by a tribal ordinance or preservation program who has assumed the responsibilities of the SHPO for purposes of section 106 compliance on tribal lands. As formal participants in the national historic preservation program, the THPOs responsibilities include identifying and maintaining inventories of culturally significant properties, nominating properties to national and tribal registers of historic places, conducting section 106 reviews of Federal agency projects on tribal lands, and conducting educational programs on the importance of preserving historic properties. The National Park Service designates tribal Historic Preservation Officers.

Note: Only three NPS units - Canyon de Chelly National Monument, Navajo National Monument, and Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site - consult with the THPO in lieu of the SHPO for undertakings occurring on, or affecting historic properties on, tribal lands.

TS - Technical Specialist


Last updated: November 15, 2016

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