Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Last Saturday's full moon brings up some higher than usual tides—6-feet or more in the afternoons—throughout this week. Plan beach travel in the mornings.
Wonders of Nature: Acorn woodpeckers found indentations in the tops of fence posts behind the Bear Valley Visitor Center and are using them as a "vise" for acorns. The indentations hold the acorns in place so insects can be more easily extracted from the nutmeat. Coast Live Oak trees are heavy with green acorns that will ripen by early October.
All campgrounds are full for the three day weekend. All park visitor centers are open for the holiday weekend. Plan to carpool, use the West Marin Stagecoach, and/or travel early to avoid crowded parking lots. The Santa Rosa Sailing Club regatta brings additional boats and campers to Marshall Beach and Tomales Bay.
New exhibits at Bear Valley Visitor Center include a turkey vulture handcrafted of recycled metal by Bolinas-Stinson School students and local landscapes by the BayWood Artists.