Thursday, April 30, 2015
More meteor showers: close upon the heels of the Lyrid shower, the Eta Aquarid meteor shower are a result of dust particles left behind by Halley's Comet! The peak of shower occurs the night of May 5, but may be tough to see due to light from May 3's full moon.
Nesting bird season has begun with red-winged blackbirds warbling out to establish territories in Olema Marsh. The presence of nesting birds influences whether spring trail clearing work may be completed; mechanized equipment may disturb birds and hand labor may take a bit longer. Trails are reported clear except for a tree on Lake Ranch Trail.
River otters were seen splashing through culverts, making their way under the Levee Road from the Giacomini wetlands into Olema Marsh.
Park volunteer Marta Lindsey will be reading and signing copies of her book, Little Gray's Great Migration, on May 9 at Bear Valley Visitor Center at 11 am and noon.