The purpose of the Subsistence Resource Commission is to recommend to the Governor and the Secretary of the Interior a program for subsistence hunting in Denali National Park. Commission hunting program recommendations may address major topics related to management of subsistence such as: access, customary and traditional use determinations, preserve and park eligibility, seasons and harvest limits, customary trade, proposed development in and adjacent to the park, user conflict resolution, cabin use, and research. After consultation with local advisory committees and Regional Advisory Councils, the hunting program recommendations of the Commission are conveyed directly to the Secretary of the Interior and the Governor. The Commission also prepares proposals to change federal subsistence regulations and comments on proposals submitted by others that affect Denali National Park and Preserve. Regional Advisory Councils were established to advise the Federal Subsistence Board regarding subsistence hunting and trapping on Federal Public Lands in Alaska. The Regional Advisory Councils rely heavily on the input from the Commission on all regulatory change proposals that affect the Park. The Commission's input on proposals may also influence the NPS position on proposals as well as the position of the Federal Subsistence Board. The Commission is comprised of nine local people who are, or have been active, subsistence users of the park. Three members are appointed by the Secretary of Interior, three by the Governor of Alaska and three by the Eastern Interior and Southcentral Regional Advisory Councils. Members appointed by the Councils must be active subsistence users and serve on either a local Fish and Game Advisory Committee or a Regional Advisory Council. This provides a good way of exchanging information between the Subsistence Resource Commission and the local advisory committees and regional councils. Each member serves a three year term on the Commission unless they resign or are removed by the appointing source. The current members are:
Amy Craver of Denali National Park and Preserve serves as coordinator for the Commission. She provides technical and administrative support for them and is a good source of information about subsistence hunting and trapping in the park and preserve. Contact information: 907-683-9544. The Commission meets twice per year; in July or August and again in January or February. Meeting locations vary. Contact the park to get on the mailing list to receive information on meeting dates and locations. |
Last updated: February 10, 2025