Pilot Information


Reporting Points and Maps

The mountain is divided into two geographic areas, north and south. The dividing line is delineated from the east by the south side of the Eldridge Glacier, up to the main ridge of the Alaska Range, which extends up to the summit of Mount McKinley and westward to the summits of Mount Foraker and Mount Russell. There are two CTAFs used on the mountain. The south side traffic should monitor and report on 123.65, and the north side on 122.725.

Aviation Tools and Maps

  • Overall Reporting Points Map and Closeup Map of Mount McKinley Reporting Points
    Two key pages of the FAA brochure (linked below), combined into a single map. Useful for pilots who want to print just this information for use in the air.
  • Full FAA Brochure of Routes and Reporting Points
    This map shows Denali National Park and Denali State Park. It is not intended for navigation, but delineates commonly used reporting points for the numerous aircraft flying in the area. NOTE: If you have a hardcopy of this map, make sure to note that the South Side Frequency has been changed to 123.65. The most current version of this map is dated 2009, not 1999.
  • Aviation Reporting Coordinates
    This page provides coordinates in Latitude/Longitude for most of the reporting points on the map, linked above.

    When making a position report, give your location, altitude, destination and or direction of flight. For example: "Mountain Traffic, Cessna 1234, Ruth Icefall, 8000 feet, up glacier for the Amphitheater."
    • View in Google Earth
      If you have Google Earth installed on your computer or another application that can read KML/KMZ-formatted files, check out the Denali area in that program.
    • Formatted for GPS units
      Download the reporting points in GPX format; these can be imported into most GPS units.
  • Common Flight Routes
    The most common flight routes used by commercial and private operators in and around Denali National Park and Preserve.

Resources for Flight Planning around Denali

Aircraft density around Denali National Park and Preserve can be quite high during the summer months. Air tour operators fly out of Anchorage, Talkeetna, Fairbanks, and the Denali Park areas. For position reporting, this mountain environment has been divided into two "zones," one north and the other south of the crest of the Alaska Range.

  • The north side monitors frequency 122.725
  • The south side monitors frequency 123.65
The Denali Aircraft Overflights Advisory Council is developing voluntary measures for assuring the safety of passengers, pilots, and mountaineers and for achieving desired future resource conditions at Denali as outlined in the 2006 Backcountry Management Plan.

Contact us if you have any questions or concerns about flying in this area.

Resources for Flight Planning around Fairbanks

Additional Information


Denali-Area Airstrips

This information is provided for reference only. Always check current airport information in the Alaska Supplement, and by NOTAM/Local NOTAM/PIREP before your flight.


Airport Elevation 2190 feet
Runway Length 2100 feet, dirt and gravel.
Runways 04-22
Right hand traffic RWY 04/slope2%uphill north/dogleg approach due to mountainous terrain.
Left hand traffic RWY 22
Communications CTAF 122.9/RCO 122.5 (Kenai FSS)


Airport Elevation 1294 feet
Runway Length 2800 feet asphalt
Runways 15-33 Condition not monitored. Recommend visual inspection prior to use.
Communications CTAF 122.9/RCO122.4 (Fairbanks FSS)


Airport Elevation 1575 feet
Runway Length 1800 feet, dirt and gravel.
Right hand traffic RWY 28
Left hand traffic RWY10/slopes downhill 2%towards the west/dogleg at NW end.
Communications CTAF 122.9
Remarks: Unattended. Brush and trees on both sides rising abruptly. Camping unavailable at strip. To camp at Wonder Lake first obtain Backcountry Permit at Visitor Center near park entrance.


Airport Elevation 1720 feet
Runway Length 3000 feet, dirt and gravel.
Right hand traffic 34
Left hand traffic 16
Communications 122.9/RCO 122.1 (Fairbanks FSS)
Remarks: Unattended/approaches windshear activity Pedestrian traffic on RWY. Tent camping available at nearby Riley Creek Campground.


Airport Elevation 2050 feet
Runway Length 5000 feet
Runways 12-30
Communications CTAF 122.9
Remarks: Unattended. This is a private airstrip. Use permitted only with prior permission of the owner. Contact Denali Air.


Airport Elevation 2409 feet
Runway Length 3800 feet, dirt and gravel.
Runways 03-21
Communications CTAF 122.9/RCO 122.6 (Kenai FSS)
Remarks: Unattended/ Radio communication unreliable within 15 miles/ Possibly soft-wet.


Airport Elevation 358 feet
Runway Length 3500 feet Asphalt
Runways 18-36
Communications CTAF and FSS 123.6/RCO122.2/unicom123.0/ANC CTR/119.6/TWEB/116.2
Remarks: RWY not monitored. Flight Service Station on field.

Last updated: February 3, 2025

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

PO Box 9
Denali Park, AK 99755


907 683-9532
A ranger is available 9 am to 4 pm daily (except on major holidays). If you reach the voicemail, please leave a message and we'll call you back as soon as we finish with the previous caller.

Contact Us