Denali National Park and Preserve offers unique summer employment opportunities to teenagers through the Youth Conservation Corps program. 2024 Position DescriptionsDo you enjoy working outdoors?Trails Department — 4 positionsThis position works for the trails crew of Denali National Park and Preserve. Work is performed outdoors in all weather conditions and is physically challenging. Duties may include hiking as many as 8 miles per day with a 20-pound backpack, trail brushing, clearing drains, repairing trail tread, hauling materials, transplanting native vegetation, digging, installing signs, and collecting data. Tool use may include shovels, picks, sledges, rakes, wheelbarrows, and hand tools. This position may include light custodial work. YCCers are responsible for actively participating in safety trainings, adhering to safety policies, and wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when required.
Do you enjoy sharing Denali National Park and Preserve with others?Interpretation Division: Denali Visitor Center — 1 positionThis position requires a willingness to be outgoing and comfortable talking with people (individuals and groups) and having a positive outlook on customer service. Duties include: staff the Denali Visitor Center front desk to provide quality customer service and orientation to park visitors, including answering trip planning questions, sharing safety information, and working with Junior Rangers. Rove the Denali Visitor Center Campus, Riley Creek Campground, and front country trails to greet visitors, answer questions, share safety information, and provide informal interpretation. Staff a “touch table” based on natural or cultural history topics, for example, a focus on moose or animal tracks and scat, and talk with visitors about park resources. Research and develop a short talk (as long as 10 minutes) to deliver to visitors at the Denali Visitor Center or at picnic tables at the Savage River. Assist with projects as assigned and shadow park staff in a variety of disciplines.
Do you love dogs and working outdoors?Kennels — 1 positionYouth Conservation Corps selectee assists with the following duties: • all aspects of the care, feeding, exercise, and training of 30-plus active Alaskan huskies weighing between 60 and 90 pounds• all aspects of dog yard, pen, and equipment maintenance and repairs as needed • informal interpretation and safety in the dog yard before, after, and between demonstrations for the visiting public • delivery of interpretive programs and dog sled demonstrations, including handling and harnessing dogs for the run • raising and training any puppies born during the work season This position requires extensive physical labor outdoors in all weather conditions. Applicants must be comfortable working with large, energetic sled dogs, talking with visitors, and performing physical tasks.
NPS Photo How to ApplyEnrollee Eligibility
ApplicationThe 2024 application is closed. Please continue to check back for the opening of the 2025 application period. |
Last updated: February 3, 2025