South Side Camping

Hiking and camping south of the crest of the Alaska Range requires additional preparation and skill. This area contains ice fields, sheer rock, heavily crevassed glaciers, extremely large rivers, and very dense brush. Access to the southern backcountry units of Denali can be difficult, possibly requiring aircraft drop-off and/or lengthy overland traverses. If you enter the park through the Cantwell area, you need to stop by the Backcountry Desk in the Denali Visitor Center (open 8 am – 6 pm) to obtain your permit and information on proper access routes. Respect private property in the area and never trespass.

All climbers attempting Denali or Mt. Foraker must register through the Mountaineering Program (read more about mountaineering). Call the Walter Harper Talkeetna Ranger Station at 907 733-2231 for more information on climbing the south side of the Alaska Range.

Last updated: March 15, 2021

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

PO Box 9
Denali Park, AK 99755


907 683-9532
A ranger is available 9 am to 4 pm daily (except on major holidays). If you reach the voicemail, please leave a message and we'll call you back as soon as we finish with the previous caller.

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