The mountain is divided into two geographic areas, north and south. The dividing line is delineated from the east by the south side of the Eldridge Glacier, up to the main ridge of the Alaska Range, which extends up to the summit of Mount McKinley and westward to the summits of Mount Foraker and Mount Russell. There are two CTAFs used on the mountain. The south side traffic should monitor and report on 123.65, and the north side on 122.725.
Aviation Tools and Maps
Overall Reporting Points Map and Closeup Map of Mount McKinley Reporting Points
Consolidates pages 10 and 11 of the FAA brochure (below) into a single map.
- FAA Brochure of Routes and Reporting Points
This map shows Denali National Park and Denali State Park. It is not intended for navigation, but delineates commonly used reporting points for the numerous aircraft flying in the area.
Of particular interest are pages 9 through 11. Page 9 lists out coordinates of reporting points, and pages 10 and 11 show a map of the heart of the Alaska Range.
NOTE: If you have a hardcopy of this map, make sure to note that the South Side Frequency has been changed to 123.65. The most current version of this map should be dated 09/21/2009 in the lower right corner
- Aviation Reporting Coordinates
This page provides coordinates in Latitude/Longitude for most of the reporting points on the map.
When making a position report, give your location, altitude, destination and or direction of flight. For example: "Mountain Traffic, Cessna 1234, Ruth Icefall, 8000 feet, up glacier for the Amphitheater."
Download KMZ/KML File
If you use an electronic flight bag such as Foreflight or Garmin Pilot that can read a KML/KMZ file, or a desktop program such as Google Earth, you can download the data here.
Formatted for GPS units
Download the reporting points in GPX format; these can be imported into most GPS units.
- Common Flight Routes
The most common flight routes used by commercial and private operators in and around Denali National Park and Preserve.