Summer access to facilities and services in Denali remains altered due to the Pretty Rocks Landslide and the associated closure of the Park Road at Mile 43. Check here for more information on what to expect. More
Visitor transport: drop off or pick up people from a day trip or overnight stay, passengers do not remain with the airplane while on the ground.
Incidental hunt transport: the carriage of big game hunters, their equipment, or big game animals harvested by the hunters as an incidental[1] portion of their business.
Total group size is 12, inclusive of CUA holder and employees.
All airplanes must be currently licensed, maintained, and operated in conformance with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requirements.
All pilots must have Title 14, Part 135 certification.
Basic first-aid, CPR, and Leave No Trace certifications are required for Denali CUA holders.
Safety and Resource Protection
The CUA holder must carry a spill kit onboard each aircraft that includes absorbent pads, a shovel and doubled plastic bags to remove and transport contaminated material.
When transporting hazardous materials such as stove fuel or bear spray, the CUA holder must use an USDOT approved container and packaging, and follow the hazmat guidelines for safe handling, transportation, and storage.
The CUA holder must remove all trash and garbage generated by their activities within the park.
The CUA holder must notify the Alaska Regional Communication Center at (907) 683-2276 of any hazardous material discharge as soon as possible without impeding cleanup.
Loading or unloading passengers or cargo from aircraft must be done only when engine(s) are completely shut down. "Hot loading" or "hot unloading" of passengers or cargo is prohibited.
Additional Regulations and Considerations
Flight operations are authorized only for fixed wing aircraft.
Kantishna Airstrip Specific Stipulations:
The annual landing limit on the Kantishna Airstrip is six (6) for those landings conducted to transport park visitors traveling to or from Kantishna for recreational purposes.
Air Taxi drop offs in support of overnight backcountry trips must ensure clients have obtained the necessary backcountry permit(s) and Bear Resistant Food Containers (BRFCs).
Clients in the Denali area (Healy to Cantwell) must obtain backcountry permits and BRFCs in person at the Backcountry Information Center.
Clients flying into/out of Kantishna, not in the Denali Area (ie. Fairbanks, Talkeetna, Anchorage) may remotely obtain a backcountry permit by calling 907-683-9590.
Landings for the purposes of pickup or delivery of Kantishna landowners, their immediate family members, employees, contractors or guests are unlimited.
Unauthorized Activities
Helicopter use is prohibited.
Landing on glaciers and lakes on glaciers is prohibited.
[1] The word “incidental” means transportation provided to a big game hunter by an Air Taxi operator who does not: Charge more than the usual tariff or charter rate for the carriage of big game hunters, their equipment, and/or the big game animals harvested by the hunters; or advertise transportation services or big game hunting services to the public. The word “advertise” means soliciting big game hunters to be customers of an Air Taxi operator for the purpose of providing transportation service to, from, or in the field through the use of print or electronic media, including advertising at trade shows or the use of hunt broker services or other promotional services.
Download or print these stipulations. CUA holders and their employees are responsible for knowing and following all rules.
907 683-9532
A ranger is available 9 am to 4 pm daily (except on major holidays). If you reach the voicemail, please leave a message and we'll call you back as soon as we finish with the previous caller.