News Release

Patriot Prayer Organizer Relinquishes Permit for August 26 Event on Crissy Field

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Date: August 25, 2017
Contact: Director of Communications and External Affairs, (415) 786-8021

Due to technical difficulties, please disregard any Media Advisories you may receive related to “Media Logistics for Patriot Prayer Permitted Event”

On Friday evening, Joey Gibson of Patriot Prayer confirmed that he has relinquished the First Amendment permit for his organization’s planned event at Crissy Field on Saturday, August 26.
After considering the implications of this announcement in coordination with law enforcement, the planned closures will be lifted in the Presidio for Saturday.

  • There will be no road closures.
  • Businesses at Crissy Field and on the Main Post are authorized to reopen.
However, park-operated visitor facilities, including the Presidio Visitor Center and Fort Point National Historic Site, will remain closed.
”Crissy Field will be open for public use on Saturday,” said Cicely Muldoon, Acting General Superintendent of Golden Gate National Recreation Area. “We thank the community for your patience over the last week and your continued support of the Presidio.”
The National Park Service and United States Park Police had worked with regional law enforcement agencies to develop a robust plan for public safety before, during, and after the planned Crissy Field event. We now stand ready to support the San Francisco Police Department if needed.
Note: there will be no media staging area in the Presidio on Saturday.

Last updated: August 25, 2017

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