If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a panoramic must be worth a million.This page features albums of Panoramic photos form the Goldne gate National Recreationa areas Archival collections. We wonder if you know who anyone might be? There is no way to document every individual who has stepped through the lands that now make up the GGNRA, nor to visualize every landscape through every era. But, through these photos, a glimpse is possible. ![]() GGNRA, Park Archives, GOGA 18515 Photo Gallery Faces From the Past in the Par...16 Images Photos of troops within the park, do you know anyone? Have you ever stood where the photo was taken? Photo Gallery Faces Outside the Park - Panor...29 Images Photos from places outside the park. Some of these people ended up in the park's military lands, can you find them in any other photos? Photo Gallery Fort Winfield Scott - Panorami...14 Images Photos of regiments and people from around Fort Winfield Scott, which was the headquarters for the Coast artillery sitting next to the Golden Gate Bridge. Photo Gallery Palace of Fine Arts - Panorami...14 Images Following the Panama Pacific International Exposition in 1915 army photographers found a new background. Check out these regimental photos taken at the Palace of Fine Arts. We don't know why it was important to the military to start taking these large regimental photographs in the first place, but they sure picked a great place for it. Photo Gallery US Filipino Soldiers - Panoram...7 Images Photographs depicting the 1st and 2nd Filipino Infantry Regiments at Camp Cook, Camp San Luis Obispo and Salinas as they trained for service in World War II Photo Gallery Women in History - Panoramic V...11 Images Panoramic photos of Women in the military are few but help share their stories in history. Photo Gallery Regiment at Montgomery Street ...9 Images A collection of regiments taken at different times with the only similarity being the brick building in the background. See any one you know? Photo Gallery Letterman Hospital Staff - Pan...18 Images This album features the officers, nurses, enlisted, and civilian staff of Letterman Hospital, as well as some great views. Photo Gallery Landscapes in the Park - Panor...12 Images Photos that focus more on the lands of the park. Can you imagine being at this place and time when the photo was taken? Photo Gallery Landscapes Beyond the Park - P...20 Images View these places that aren't in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. Someone's journey brought them through these places and to this park. Do you ever wonder who they are and what they brought here from everywhere they have been? What do we bring with us to new locations? Photo Gallery Dogs - Panoramic View of the P...13 Images Dogs! Whether at work or as friends these dogs made history as being part of these regimental panoramic photos. Have fun trying to find fido in each photo. Photo Gallery Horses - Panoramic View of the...9 Images Horses in the military. Prior to vehicles, this was the only way the military could operate. Ride along with their journey, while strolling through these photos of them at work. Photo Gallery On the Move - Panoramic View o...14 Images Searching for vehicles from the past? See if you can spot all the different kinds, which one is your favorite? Photo Gallery The Park Service Era - Panoram...8 Images Photos of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area from the time it was added to the National Park Service. Do you recognize any of these NPS employees? For More InformationImages within these galleries may be used for any legitimate non-commercial public or press use with proper credit given to the National Park Service. If you have any questions or additional information on these images, please contact the Park Archives and Records Center's reference archivist at 415-561-2807 or Contact Us. |
Last updated: July 9, 2024