Climate Change Solutions

How You Can Be Part of the Solution

The park is protecting its historical and natural resources by reducing its carbon footprint and adapting to changing conditions. Future generations depend on the decisions we make today. We hope our efforts will inspire you to take some of the local actions below to make global change. The national parks are yours to protect.

A ranger standing on the Muir Woods board walk points up to the redwoods as visitors listen.
Park rangers educate the next generation of environmental stewards about climate change. These young minds can help protect our natural and cultural heritage.

Alison Taggart-Barone NPS

Talk about it! - empower others

Share your knowledge through conversation, art, and social media. Concern for our climate is normal and action on climate change is happening all around us. If we work together, the sustainable choice will be the easier choice.

Rethink the way you intersect with the environment, and exercise your right to vote. Challenge the language you use to discuss these issues and question the ways that you fit into this story. Remember that climate change is just as much of a social issue as it is an environmental one, and it will impact different communities in different ways.

Volunteer or become a citizen scientist. The Volunteer-In-Parks Program invites you to help us steward Golden Gate!

Five electric vehicles lined up at Fort Mason, with the Golden Gate Bridge in the background.
We are converting our fleet to electric, low emission, and high mileage vehicles.

Energy Shift - move towards renewable energy

Shift your energy source. Consider opting into a community choice aggregation program as opposed to a traditional energy provider. Prices for clean energy are often cheaper or comparable.

A white building with a red roof is nestled within the rolling green Marin Headlands. The Golden Gate Bridge is in the background.
We protect natural climate-regulating landscapes. These landscapes are vital because they sequester carbon from the atmosphere.

Reduce Your Demand - use less resources

Vocalize your decision to consume local, low carbon foods. Consider organizing a reoccuring food swap in your neighborhood, or attending a Farmer's Market!

Set up composting at your home or business. Otherwise, food that is disposed into landfills will release methane, a gas that contributes to climate change.

Support local businesses that use environmentally friendly materials, and replace your use of single-use items with reusable containers. Avoid plastic, as it is made of petroleum and thus contributes to fossil fuel production.

Consider working with your employer to take part in an energy rebate program. These programs incentivize companies to use energy-efficient technology.

Last updated: January 4, 2021

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

Golden Gate National Recreation Area
201 Fort Mason

San Francisco, CA 94123


United States Park Police Dispatch: Non-Emergency: 415-561-5505 Emergency: 415-561-5656

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