A Dog-Friendly National Park

man feeds treat to smal white dog on concrete ledge in front of orange bridge

Walking your dog responsibly is a fun, healthy, and popular way to enjoy Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA). GGNRA provides trails, beaches, and open spaces that are available for dog walking! We are proud to be the only park in the National Park Service to designate particular areas for allowing responsible dog walking off-leash when under voice and sight control.

Please Watch Your Paws

GGNRA is home to more than 3,947 plant and animal species (38 of which are rare, threatened, or endangered) and countless cultural resources including American coastal fortifications and Native American artifacts. Please observe signs indicating where pets are permitted in the park to ensure that park resources will be around for future generations to appreciate and enjoy.

Pet excrement shall be removed immediately from the Park or be deposited in an appropriate trash/waste container by the person(s) controlling the pet(s).


Where to Walk Your Dog

If you bring your pet to Golden Gate National Recreation Area, please protect your pet, other people, and park resources by abiding by regulations in the Superintendent's Compendium and Exhibits (maps) on the Laws & Policies webpage and the 2008 Special Regulation codified at 36 CFR 7.97(d).


Service Animals

Service animals accompanying a person with a disability, as defined by Federal law and Department of Justice regulations (Title 28 Code of Federal Regulations § 36.104), are allowed wherever visitors or employees are allowed. For more information on the DOJ ADA Revised Service Animal Regulations, please see our Service Animals webpage:

Commercial Dog Walking
GGNRA welcomes commercial dog walkers with a permit to visit the park. A Commercial Dog Walking Commericial Use Authorization (CUA) is required for any professional walking 4 to 6 dogs on GGNRA lands in San Francisco or Marin Counties. (Note: No more than six dogs can be walked in the park under a CUA). For further information about Commercial Dog Walking applications and requirements, visit the Park’s website: https://www.nps.gov/goga/planyourvisit/cdswup.htm

Last updated: February 13, 2025

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

Golden Gate National Recreation Area
201 Fort Mason

San Francisco, CA 94123


United States Park Police Dispatch: Non-Emergency: 415-561-5505 Emergency: 415-561-5656

Contact Us
