FIRESafe MARIN Projects - Sausalito

Aerial photo of Alexander Avenue Fuel Reduction Project area

Alexander Avenue Fuel Reduction

COMMUNITIES: Alexander Avenue Neighborhood

INTERFACE: Golden Gate National Recreation Area

FIRE DISTRICT: Marin County Fire Department / Marin City

FUNDING PROVIDED: $18,000 (FY 2002)

OBJECTIVE: Remove hazardous fuels and restore native, firesafe vegetation along Alexander Avenue.

DESCRIPTION: Alexander Avenue is a community of eight homes located between Fort Baker and Sausalito, adjacent to GGNRA land. These homes are located on steep narrow roads that make it difficult for emergency response vehicles to gain access. Furthermore, topography and other environmental factors associated with exotic trees such as eucalyptus contribute to the wildland fire risk. The project promotes healthy, natural habitat and creates conditions in which a wildfire would be easier to control.

HECTARES TREATED: 0.2 (0.5 acres)


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Sausalito-GGNRA Shaded Fuel Break Project

Sausalito-GGNRA Shaded Fuel Break


INTERFACE: Golden Gate National Recreation Area

FIRE DISTRICT: Sausalito Fire Department

FUNDING PROVIDED: $60,000 (FY 2001)

OBJECTIVE: Construct an 11-kilometer (7-mile) shaded fuel break along the border between the City of Sausalito and Golden Gate National Recreation Area.

DESCRIPTION: A shaded fuel break up to 12 meters (40 feet) in width will be constructed to reduce vegetation density along the Sausalito/GGNRA border to slow fire behavior in the event of a wildfire. This will increase time available for firefighter response and reduce the potential for losses.

The shaded fuel break will be constructed along the city/park interface on the east side of U.S. 101 from Alexander Avenue, along High Vista to Wolfback Ridge, extending to Marin City.

The project will also remove eucalyptus trees to defensible space around Sausalito Fire Station #2 at 300 Spencer Avenue.

The City of Sausalito has a population of 7,800 and approximately 3,400 dwellings.


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Last updated: May 28, 2023

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201 Fort Mason

San Francisco, CA 94123


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