The Voices of Occupation Alcatraz

alcatraz indian occupation
Alcatraz Occupation

Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives, GOGA 18261

In 1969 a Native American Activist group called The Indians of All Tribes took Alcatraz and held the Rock in the pursuit of political justice for 19 months. Though we tell stories of what we know and understand from this time. Here you can listen to the occupation story told from the people who lived it, and truly experience this era of American history by listening to those who made this happen.

American Indian Occupation

The Red Power Movement

"We Hold the Rock"
Joseph Morris Alcatraz Occupation Collection 'proved a point'
Alcatraz Proved a Point

Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives, GOGA 35283

"And I'm happy to be a part of the history of Alcatraz, to be able to say a few words and hopefully someday, that our country will be genuine in terms of being a democracy for all people that it doesn't stand for today." - Dr. LaNada Boyer War Jack

Occupy Alcatraz
Occupied Alcatraz

Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives, GOGA 18488

"But that happens, I would guess almost like in any little town. That's what Alcatraz became. Just like a little community, and you're going to have people that want to do stuff." - Eloy Martinez

Alcatraz Indian Land
Indian Land!

Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives, GOGA 18488

"Alcatraz was the beginning of a statement of Indian people and it was also giving permission to everybody in Indian country that it's okay, you can stand up for your rights" -Jonny Bearcub


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Last updated: July 10, 2024

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