Alina Lindquist (Artist-in-Residence, 2024)

A smiling woman looks at the camera with a paintbursh in hand. A painting of mountains and trees is in front of her with an open palette beneath
Alina painting in the Rhodes Cabin

Alina Lindquist

Alina is an emerging artist who graduated from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas in 2020. Well respected artist Phyllis Shafer shared with us that “Alina is one of the most talented, serious, and dedicated painters with which I have worked. Alina’s paintings show a reverence for the natural world and a celebration of the stewardship required to maintain wild places.” Alina relates,

“Direct experience with the landscape is a cornerstone of my artistic practice. I primarily paint en plein air with oil to capture my initial experience on location. Sometimes I will use watercolor or gouache, depending on how much I want to carry that day. No matter what materials I use, the marks and colors captured outside inform my larger work back in the studio. Ultimately, my work seeks to transmit my love and sense of wonder for the desert.”

Find more of Alina's work on her website by clicking here.

Alina served as our Summer term artist, providing public programs and art displays in the Rhodes Cabin at the Lehman Caves Visitor Center, along with helping with our Astronomy Festival "Art-in-the-Dark" program.

Alina relayed the following about her time living and creating at Great Basin National Park:

"My time at Great Basin National Park was spent musing amongst the ancient bristlecone pines, listing to the stories they hold in their wind-gnarled branches, and capturing their character through paint.
The bristlecones are just one of the many unique parts of this National park, not to mention the lakes, caves, flora and fauna that inhabit this landscape and inspired many other paintings.
Each morning, I would hike to a different location in Great Basin National Park and start a painting(or two). I was hauling my painting gear up the trails, gaining elevation to find the perfect spot to paint. The result of such effort is some of the most stunning scenery in all of Nevada and paintings that reflect the essence of the land."


Last updated: September 28, 2024

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100 Great Basin National Park
Baker, NV 89311


Available 8:00 am - 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's Day

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