Hiking Trails



Select a Hike by Location

Find a hike in the park based on where you plan on visiting. Important to note that only trails on the Wheeler Peak Scenic Drive are accessible via a paved road. All others are gravel or require four wheel drive.

Snow covered gray cliffs and mountains stand in the distance under a patchy blue sky
Wheeler Peak Scenic Drive Hiking Trails

Most visits primarily stay on the paved Scenic Drive. Many trails leave along the road and even short treks enhance the casual visit.

An alpine lake surrounded by tall pine trees is overlooked by sheer grey cliffs with patchy snow
Baker Creek Hiking Trails

Trails off the gravel baker creek road are excellent any time of year, and offers fantastic backpacking opportunities.

A light brown, gnarled tree with many green needles emerges from a shaley mountaintop.
Snake Creek Hiking Trails

Snake Creek offers a variety of trails and sights. Find the best trail for you!

Green stalks covered in small, round pink flowers burst from the ground just in front of the viewer.
Strawberry Creek Trails

Find excellent opportunities for spotting wildlife or spectacular displays of wildflowers in this lesser-travelled area.

A large stone arch stands over shrubby sageland in the distance
Lexington Creek Hiking Trails

Lexington Creek offers unique vistas and opportunities for exploration not found everywhere


Select a Hike by Difficulty

Find hikes sorted by difficulty. Easy hikes include those that are ADA accessible.

A wooden boardwalk stretches forward and to the right leading to a bench in a forest environment
Easy Hikes

Hikes within the park considered easy. These tend to have little elevation gain and short distance travelling.

The sun glows in a blue sky above sharp mountain peaks surrounding a rocky valley
Moderate Trails

Moderate trails abound for the hiker who wants to get out of the car and experience more of the park.

A shimmering lake is surrounded by mountains and a fresh layer of perfect white snow
Strenuous and Overnight Hikes

Carrying your life on your back? Click here for overnight hikes, or the strenuous ones to test your abilities.


How to pick a trail:

  1. Pick a trail within your ability level. Don't push yourself too hard especially when not acclimated or under-prepared.
  2. Consider starting altitude, many trails go beyond 10,000ft and altitude sickness can be a very real danger while hiking.
  3. Keep in mind all of Great Basin's backcountry regulations and follow them carefully. Pets are not allowed on park trails with the sole exception of the Lexington Arch Trail.
  4. Consider timing. Most people hike about 2 miles/hour, or about 3 kilometers/hour, so leave plenty of time in the day for your hike, or take a good source of light for night hiking. Additionally, many trails and areas of the park will see afternoon thunderstorms during the summer months.

Coming in Winter? Check out the Visiting in Winter page.

  • Look for road conditions updates on the Alerts page. Many roads close in the winter even if trails technically remain open, limiting access or significantly increasing the length of a hike.
  • All trails remain open in winter time, but are generally covered in several feet of snow. Snowshoeing and backcountry/crosscountry skiing are the top activities for being on trails in winter. Check the Winter Touring page for popular winter routes.
  • Navigation can be extremely difficult in winter for the uninitiated. Check with park rangers for the most up-to-date conditions and which hikes/routes are well marked.

All Great Basin Hiking Trails

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    Last updated: October 13, 2024

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    100 Great Basin National Park
    Baker, NV 89311


    Available 8:00 am - 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's Day

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