The Wheeler Peak Scenic Drive is closed at mile 3, Upper Lehman Creek Campground, for the winter season. For information on other closures, click more... More
Great Basin National Park ranges in elevation from 6,825 ft. to 13,065 ft. above sea level between its highest and lowest trails. This 6,240 ft. difference leads to a wide variety of plant communities through a phenomenon called, “altitudinal zonation”. As you travel to higher elevations in Great Basin National Park, you might notice differences in the temperature, precipitation, oxygen levels, and other environmental factors. Different species of plants are better suited to different environmental factors, which is why you may also notice changes in the kinds of plants you see in different sections of the park, especially at different elevations.
Zones are usually determined by the primary species of trees or shrubs found in the area. Zones often occur in specific elevations, although you can often find more than one zone at the same elevation throughout the park. Great Basin National Park has seven major zones of habitats, depending on the elevation:
Intermountain Cold Desert Scrub (below 5,000 ft.)
Sagebrush and Grasslands (5,000-7,000 ft.)
Juniper Woodlands (6,000-8,000 ft.)
Mixed Conifer Forest (7,000-10,000 ft.)
Subalpine (9,500-11,800 ft.)
Alpine (above 10,500 ft.)
Riparian (throughout the park)
As you make your way through the park—either on your hike, or on your way up the Wheeler Peak Scenic Drive—watch for changes in plant life that defines the different zones.
You may also find that there are wildflowers growing at different elevations in the park. Some of these flowers, especially those in the Alpine zone, are endemic to Great Basin National Park—meaning they are only found here in the Great Basin, and nowhere else on Earth! Learn more on our endemic plants page. It is important to try to keep invasive and non-native species out of the park to help native and endemic species survive and thrive.
Last updated: January 28, 2025
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Mailing Address:
100 Great Basin National Park
Available 8:00 am - 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday.
Closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's Day