Black Canyon is home to a variety of animals—59 mammal species, 174 bird species, 13 native and non-native fish species, 11 reptile species, and one amphibian species. Due to the canyon’s vertical nature, animals thrive in a spectrum of environments from rim to river. Each habitat is different and requires specific lifestyles and adaptations to be successful.
Learn about bears, mountain lions, bighorn sheep, rodents, and more.
Birds live within the various habitats of the canyon, from the rim to the river.
Wildlife Stories and Research
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 Because birds can be sensitive to habitat change, they are good indicators of ecosystem integrity. The Northern Colorado Plateau Network partners with the University of Delaware to assess breeding-bird species trends in three different habitats: low-elevation riparian, pinyon-juniper, and sage shrubland. Find out which species were increasing and declining at network parks as of 2023.  Because birds can be sensitive to habitat change, they are good indicators of ecosystem integrity. The Northern Colorado Plateau Network partners with the University of Delaware to assess breeding-bird species trends in three different habitats: low-elevation riparian, pinyon-juniper, and sage shrubland. Find out which species were increasing and declining at network parks as of 2022.  Because birds can be sensitive to habitat change, they are good indicators of ecosystem integrity. The Northern Colorado Plateau Network partners with the University of Delaware to assess breeding-bird species trends in three different habitats: low-elevation riparian, pinyon-juniper, and sage shrubland. Find out which species were increasing and declining at network parks as of 2021.