![]() NPS/Jeremy Stringfield Black Canyon has 174 confirmed bird species. They live within the various habitats of the canyon, from the rim to the Gunnison River level. Most species found here are permanent (year-round) or summer residents. Almost no bird species only stay for winter. For a complete list of bird species found at Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, use the tool below. Select 'Birds' under species category. A bird checklist is available upon request at the South Rim Visitor Center. Select a Park:Select a Species Category (optional):
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Year-round Residents![]() NPS/D. Goodman American DipperThe American Dipper (Cinclus mexicanus), also known as a water ouzel, live and nest along the river. They can walk under fast-moving water to feed, using their wings to stay submerged. They probe for aquatic insects and larvae, fish eggs, and small fish.Their name comes from the "bobbing" up and down at up to 60 dips per minute. Their plump body type and plentiful down adapt them to cold-water living. They may build their nests off moss behind waterfalls or cascades. NPS/D. Goodman Canyon WrenCanyon Wrens (Catherpes mexicanus) have a sweet, almost haunting song that may be the only evidence of their presence. These wrens are far more often heard than seen. They have small bodies with a large belly and a long, slightly curved beak. Their coloration is rusty brown with a white throat. Their wings and tail have black barring throughout.They nest on ledges like a Peregrine Falcon does, laying eggs in depressions. They hop and poke about ledges and alcoves looking for spiders and insects to eat. At Black Canyon, these wrens are seldom if ever seen down along the river itself. ![]() NPS/Jeremy Stringfield Dusky GrouseDusky Grouse (Dendragapus obscurus) are large, forest grouse that are year-round residents of Black Canyon. These grouse are typically gray (males) and brown (females), but other colors are visible during courtship displays. Size ranges from 15.5 to 21 inches (39 to 53 cm). Number of tail feathers can vary.Dusky Grouse prefer sagebrush flats in summer and conifer forests in winter. They forage on the ground during summer, and then in trees during winter if the ground is snow covered. Diet includes leaves, insects, flowers, berries, and conifer needles. These grouse are easier to spot during springtime. Males put on a courtship display and give up low-pitched hoots. ![]() NPS/Neal Herbert Great Horned OwlThe Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus) is widespread across North America. Great horned owls are year-round residents at Black Canyon. These birds hunt rabbits and rodents on canyon rims at night. They can even take down larger prey such as falcons, ospreys, and other owls. ![]() NPS/Jeremy Stringfield Spotted TowheeSpotted Towhee (Pipilo maculatus) is a small bird widespread throughout the American West. It used to be considered the same species at Eastern Towhee, but they differ in white spotting and call notes.Males are black, while females are a grayish brown. Both have white and rusty orange coloration underneath. This makes them camouflaged amidst dry leaf litter and brush. Spotted Towhee prefer open woods and drier habitats, such as pinyon-juniper woods or scrub oaks. They are ground foragers, but sometimes feed in low trees or shrubs. Its diet is mostly seeds, berries, and insects; it can vary throughout seasons. Photo courtesy of Ken Kingley Steller's JaySteller’s Jay (Cyanocitta stelleri) lives from the side canyons to the canyon rim where Douglas fir trees grow. They prefer woodlands and coniferous forest habitats. These birds are omnivores and consume seeds, nuts, and some insects. They get moisture from insects, but also need access to puddles, ponds, or other water sources.Steller's Jay is black and blue colored with a crest on its head. They have a loud call and can imitate sounds of other birds and mammals. Like other jays, they can be raucous, meddlesome, and opportunistic about food on picnic tables. Summer Residents![]() NPS/Jeremy Stringfield Mountain BluebirdMountain Bluebirds (Sialia currucoides) share canyon rim habitat with owls but are daytime eaters of insects. Males have bright blue bodies, while females have gray bodies with blue wings.
![]() NPS Peregrine FalconPeregrine Falcons (Falco peregrinus) nest on ledges on canyon walls. These falcons have a blue-gray back and a grey or tan underside. Their wingspan can reach up to 3.5 feet (1.1 m) across.
![]() NPS/Jeremy Stringfield Plumbeous VireoPlumbeous Vireo (Vireo plumbeus) is a small songbird commonly seen during summer in the Rocky Mountains. These birds are less than 6 inches (15 cm) long and similar sized to a sparrow. They are gray above, white below, and have white areas around small, black eyes. ![]() NPS/D. Goodman Western TanagerWestern Tanagers (Piranga ludoviciana) are commonly seen in western coniferous forests. The range for breeding season stretches farther north than any other tanager species. They are seen during summer months at Black Canyon. Males have bright yellow bodies, orange-red heads, and black wings, back, and tail. Females have less vibrant colors and no red head. Both males and female are around 6 to 7.5" (15-19 cm) long.Western Tanagers prefer insects, fruit, and berries. They may peer around in trees for insects or fly out to catch them. They forage in the upper parts of trees. During migration season and in winter, the birds may be found in small flocks with other tanager species. ![]() NPS/Jacob Frank White-throated SwiftWhite-throated Swifts (Aeronautes saxatalis) are aerial feeders whose scientific name means “rock-inhabiting air sailor.” These swifts have long, slim bodies and very narrow wings. They are black and brown birds with a white throat and some underbelly.White-throated Swifts nest high on canyon walls in rock crevices and feed mostly in early morning and at evening, when flying insects are most active. Photo Gallery Birds19 Images Featured bird species found at Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park ResourcesAlden, Peter, and National Audubon Society. 1999. National Audubon Society Field Guide to the Rocky Mountain States. New York: A. Knopf; New York.Audubon. "Guide to North American Birds." 2024. National Audubon Society. Guide to North American Birds | Audubon Cornell Lab of Ornithology. 2019. All About Birds. Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, New York. https://www. NPSpecies Birds Checklist. National Park Service, Integrated Resource Management Applications. https://irma.nps.gov/NPSpecies/Search/SpeciesList/BLCA Roberts S and Others. 2024. Status and trends of landbird populations in the Northern Colorado Plateau Network: 2023 field season. Science Report. NPS/SR—2024/138. National Park Service. Fort Collins, Colorado. https://doi.org/10.36967/2304411 |
Last updated: October 30, 2024