Ranger Kelly from Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park encourages children to get outside wherever they are. Learn how to look for nature's clues.
Erosion is happening all the time at Black Canyon. Ranger Kelly shows students how erosion affects Black Canyon and how people play a part too.
Addresses NGSS standard: 2-ESS1-1
Ranger Kelly demonstrates to students an erosion activity that can be done anywhere. This activity can be done as an add-on to the "Erosion and Us" video.
Addresses NGSS standard: 2-ESS1-1
What might cause a habitat to change? How do we know if a habitat is changing? Join Ranger Kelly to explore what makes up a habitat and how to notice changes.
Addresses NGSS standard: 3-LS4-3
How old are Black Canyon's rocks? How do we even know something like that? Join Ranger Kelly, standing at Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park (and in her kitchen!), to learn more about geology and rock dating.
Addresses NGSS standard: MS-ESS1-4