NPS/C. Roundtree NPS/D. Goodman Tree and shrub species are ecologically prevalent across Black Canyon. Despite their dominance on the landscape, they only make up roughly 14% of the confirmed and reported plant species in the park. Deciduous TreesDeciduous trees shed their leaves in the fall and grow new leaves in the spring. These tree species are less common in the park but can be found in more riparian areas near the Gunnison River or stream tributaries. Their foliage becomes colorful during the autumn months.
NPS Photo Coniferous Trees (Conifers)Coniferous trees produce cones. They are enduring plants, exist in various climates, and can live for hundreds or thousands of years. Coniferous trees within Black Canyon are either spruces, firs, junipers, or pines. Two large pinyon-juniper groves exist on each rim at around 8,000 ft (2,438 meters). These forests are considered old-growth. Some of the pinyon pines are over 700 years old. Douglas-fir and Colorado blue spruce trees grow on the north-facing slopes of Black Canyon. A limited number of Ponderosa pines grow along the river corridor.Coniferous tree species present in the park:
NPS ShrubsShrubland dominates the canyon rim and uplands. Shrublands are dominated by big sagebrush subspecies (Artemisia tridentata) and/or Gambel oak (Quercus gambelii) and serviceberry (Amelanchier spp.). The most common vegetation map class for Black Canyon is Gambel Oak / Mixed Montane Shrubland.Gambel oak, a deciduous tree or large shrub, is widespread. Tuber-like roots called lignotubers cause the deciduous Gambel oak to form thickets. These areas are usually dense and brushy, providing both cover and food for wildlife. Various species of sagebrush, rabbitbrush, snakeweed, serviceberry, fendlerbush, and fruiting shrubs are present in the sagebrush grassland, pinyon-juniper woodlands, and Gambel oak shrublands. Other common shrub species include Fremont’s mahonia (Mahonia fremontii) and mountain mahogany (Cercocarpus montanus). |
Last updated: January 30, 2025