Consider this your chance to take a break from your busy day to enjoy the peace and quiet scenes found all around Joshua Tree National Park. These short videos will reveal the subtle events that take place all around the park. Check back often as this page will be updated regularly with new videos. Clouds & Rain Video Player is loading.
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Episode 6 of the Nature Minute Series. Watch summer monsoons build over Joshua Tree National Park Burrow Raiding Video Player is loading.
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Episode 5 of the Nature Minute Series. Watch a red racer (Masticophis flagellum piceus) infiltrate a desert iguana burrow and come out with a prize. Rock Eater Video Player is loading.
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Episode 4 of the Nature Minute Series. The reason behind why tortoises sometimes eat sand and small rocks is unclear. Theories include mineral consumption, digestion aid, maintaining intestinal digestive bacteria. Globemallow Video Player is loading.
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Episode #3. Bright orange blooms sway in a gentle breeze. Hedgehog Cactus Video Player is loading.
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Episode 2. Spring blooms include the hedgehog cactus (Echinocereus engelmannii) at Oasis Visitor Center. Cactus Wren Video Player is loading.
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Episode 1 of the Nature Minute Series. Cactus wrens (Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus) build their nest in a cholla cactus outside Oasis Visitor Center. |
Last updated: September 23, 2015