Joshua Tree National Park provides the perfect outdoor setting to enhance classroom-based learning. You can visit on your own or have a ranger join you for an outdoor education program. All ranger-led education programs are curriculum-based (California State Education Standards, NGSS) and free of charge. Ranger-led Field Trips Ranger-led field trip and guest speaker requests for the 2024-2025 school year will be accepted starting September 9. Things to keep in mind while filling out this form:
Field Trip Reservation Request Form You may also choose to submit a Transportation Funding Request Form. Preschool and KindergartenWho Lives in a National Park Early ElementaryJunior GeoKids Upper ElementaryGeoKids Middle and High SchoolTune in to TrackingStudents will be provided the opportunity to learn how the threatened desert tortoise thrives and how park scientists keep track of the population. Students will track and take measurements of “tortoises” in the wild (no live animals will be used.) A 1.5 mile hike is optional at the Black Rock location. Location: Cap Rock Nature Trail, Black Rock Canyon Standards: MS-LS2-1, MS-LS2-2 Joshua Tree Monitoring Students will collect data on long-term monitoring plots measuring the park's iconic and namesake trees. Students use gps units to locate trees in the sudy and measure them using a variety of scientific tools. All materials are provided by rangers. Data collected by students in this program contributes to the park's overall study of the effects of climate change on Joshua trees. Location: Black Rock Canyon Standards: NGSS HS-ESS3-1, HS-ETS1-3 Issues in Park Management Surrounded by millions of people in a highly populated part of the country, the park faces many issues when trying to fulfill its mission to preserve and protect natural and cultural resources for all in perpetuity. Students will be guided through areas experiencing the effects of change and explore reasons why they think these issues exist and how the park should react. Teachers can select topics from the following list of current issues: graffiti, climate change, impacts of increased visitation, or the teacher can work with staff on current issues pertinent to the classroom. Location: throughout the park. Education staff will assist to find an appropriate location.
Self-guided Field Trips
Academic fee waivers are available for groups that choose to take a self-guided trip to Joshua Tree National Park.
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Last updated: September 24, 2024