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Find out what drew people to the high desert and how Bill Keys' skill and ingenuity led to his success.
Take a break from your day to enjoy the peace and quiet scenes found all around Joshua Tree National Park.
Learn how to tell the difference between a turtle and tortoise.
Check out more videos of Joshua Tree National Park from the park's official Youtube channel.
Enjoy more content on the park's Photos and Multimedia Page.
Complete activities to earn your Junior Ranger badge.
Teachers worldwide can schedule a virtual field trip with a Joshua Tree ranger.
Lesson plans and activities
Enjoy this virtual museum exhibit which features over 200 objects, archival items, and historic photographs from the park museum collection!
Follow along our scavenger hunt and use the park website to explore and learn about Joshua Tree National Park!
Learn more about the flora, fauna, history, research, and more at Joshua Tree National Park using our website.
Explore these topics to learn more about nature and history in America's national parks!
Last updated: October 15, 2024
74485 National Park Drive Twentynine Palms, CA 92277-3597
760 367-5500