795,156 gross acres including private and state inholdings
3,218 square kilometers
Did you know? The park service provides acreage reports for all parks.
Highest point: 5,814 ft (1,773 m) at the summit of Quail Mountain
Lowest point: 536 ft (163 m) at the southeastern boundary of the park
Annual Visitation
2024: 2,991,874
2023: 3,270,404
2022: 3,058,294
2021: 3,064,400 (The first year visitation surpassed 3 million)
2020: 2,399,542 (Major closures for ~2 months due to COVID)
2019: 2,988,547
2018: 2,942,382
2017: 2,853,619
2016: 2,505,286
2015: 2,025,756 (the first year visitation surpassed two million)
2014: 1,589,904
2013: 1,383,340
2012: 1,396,117
2011: 1,396,237
Historic Annual Visitation
2010: 1,434,976
2000: 1,233,935
1990: 1,022,396 (1990 was the first year visitation surpassed one million)
1980: 545,357
1970: 643,000
1960: 320,100
1950: 79,129
1941: 31,285 (1941 was the first year records were kept)
Dig Deeper
View more Visitor Use Statistics for Joshua Tree National Park, including monthly visitation, overnight stays, and vehicle counts.