Apply online for yourCommercial Use AuthorizationA Commercial Use Authorization (CUA) is a business permit with the National Park Service that authorizes an individual, group, company, or other for-profit entity to conduct commercial activities and provide specific visitor services within a national park area. The National Park Service will only issue CUAs for commercial activities and visitor services that:
A CUA is required if you, as an individual, organization, or company, provide any goods, activities, services, agreements, or other function for members, clients, or the public that:
Businesses and individuals may not conduct commercial activities in the park without a valid CUA or in a manner inconsistent with the terms of the CUA. How to ApplyVisit the online Commercial Use Authorization online portal.
Road-based CUA permit holders are required to submit an annual report of their commercial activities in the national park by January 31. Commercial Vehicle Insurance Coverage requirements for Interstate Transport
Required Certificate of Liability InsuranceCUA applicants must provide proof of required liability insurance coverage upon application submittal, and CUA holders must provide proof of renewed coverage through the CUA term. Typically, that proof is provided through an Acord 25 Certificate of Liability Insurance although NPS may accept other insurance certificates provided they contain the information included on the Acord 25 certificate. The insurance certificate must:
CUA FeesApplication Fee: $300.00 for Road-based Commercial Tours. Commercial Tour Group Entrance Fees
Passes are not authorized to be used to enter the park while on a road-based tour. Approved locations for Road-based Commercial Use Authorizations
Locations not approved for large buses:
Violation of CUA Terms and ConditionsFirst Offense – Permit Office will review the offense and if determined to be a minor offense an interview will be set up and a letter of caution could be issued pending the outcome. Frequently Asked Questions The authorization is issued to an operator to permit the provision of suitable commercial services to park area visitors. The superintendent determines if an operator has the ability to satisfactorily provide visitor services and carry out the terms of the CUA.
The superintendent determines that the commercial services are “suitable”; that is they (a) will have minimal impact on park area’s resources and values; (b) are consistent with the purposes for which the park area was established; and, (c) are consistent with all applicable park area management plans, policies, and regulations. The holder must agree to comply with all of the general and specific conditions described in the CUA conditions and operating plans. You should familiarize yourself with these documents before applying for a CUA. All activity- and service-based CUAs are issued for up to one year. The CUA operating year is from January 1 to December 31.
Applications will be accepted from October through February. Please submit complete application packets 60 days before your first trip in the park.
National Park Service Policy requires the Superintendent to charge a reasonable fee for CUAs. The park retains such fees to help pay for the cost of the CUA program, including administration, evaluations, monitoring, and training.
Annual Financial Reports and Management Fee Calculation Forms, which cover the operating year and require reporting of gross receipts and visitors served for each month of that year, are due by January 31st following the end of the operating year. A separate Financial Report and Management Fee Calculation forms are required for each activity a CUA holder has a CUA for. Annual Financial Report and Management Fee Calculation forms will be available by October 1st of each operating year. The Concessions Management Office will review all Annual Report and Management Fee Calculation Fee Forms for accuracy and inform the CUA holder when payment of management fees can be made.
Commercial Use Authorization applicants and holders must make all payments for application fees and management fees through
Permit OfficeThe permit office is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 2:00 pm (PST). Closed on federal holidays. Contact usPhone: (760) 367-5518 |
Last updated: October 15, 2024