Prescribed Fire Stories

NPS fire managers and staff carefully use prescribed fire to preserve natural habitats for rare plant and animal species, to maintain cultural landscapes at historic sites, to control invasive species, and to preemptively reduce fuels and guard against catastrophic fires. Safety of workers, visitors, neighboring communities, and park infrastructure is always paramount. Multiple layers of planning and review help to ensure that burns are conducted only in optimal conditions.
Showing results 1-10 of 140

    • Locations: Everglades National Park

    Everglades National Park fire and resource management staff attended the 2nd International Congress for Coastal Protected Areas with Tree Island Ecosystems in Campeche, Mexico, in September 2014. The conference, held at Los Petenes Biosphere Reserve, focused on fire-prone, wetland ecosystems in the Gulf of Mexico. This international collaboration reflects NPS interest in maintaining and restoring resilient landscapes.

    • Locations: Gulf Islands National Seashore
    • Offices: Fire and Aviation Management, Wildland Fire Program
    Three men stand on or near a skid-steer in a recently cleared corridor in thick vegetation.

    In 2024, firefighters discovered evidence of a lightning-caused fire at Gulf Islands National Seashore. Dubbed the Pudding Fire, it had been naturally suppressed in an area where extensive mechanical fuel reduction and prescribed fire had taken place.

    • Locations: Big Thicket National Preserve
    • Offices: Fire and Aviation Management, Wildland Fire Program
    A firefighter observes low intensity fire consuming vegetation in a forest.

    The Big Sandy prescribed fire at Big Thicket National Preserve treated areas that held plant communities that need frequent fire. These treatments help prevent woody brush accumulation, control invasive plants and insect pests, recycle nutrients into the soil, and encourage new plant growth. The US Fish & Wildlife Service found more than 30 plants and animals associated with longleaf pine ecosystems.

    • Locations: Chickasaw National Recreation Area
    • Offices: Fire and Aviation Management, Wildland Fire Program
    A firefighter uses a driptorch to ignite dry leaves near a road and brick infrastructure.

    In February and March 2024, Chickasaw National Recreation Area (NRA) completed two successful prescribed fires. Park fire staff and partners treated 536 acres in 2024 which included the Arbuckle Dam and The Point Campground.

    • Locations: Big Cypress National Preserve, Everglades National Park
    • Offices: Fire and Aviation Management, Wildland Fire Program
    A man interviews a firefighter in Nomex while a fire burns in vegetation nearby.

    In 2024, firefighters burned 233,954 acres across Big Cypress National Preserve and Everglades National Park aided with nearly $5 million from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Years-long efforts paid dividends in 2024 with these public-facing burns sparking an immense amount of communication. This provided opportunities to highlight the role fire plays in the ecosystem and how the process works.

    • Locations: Big Cypress National Preserve, Everglades National Park
    • Offices: Fire and Aviation Management, Wildland Fire Program
    A man in Nomex and a baseball cap looks up towards a small uncrewed aircraft.

    In FY'24, uncrewed aircraft (UAS) were used in Everglades National Park and Big Cypress National Preserve to provide an aerial view of the landscape before and after prescribed fires helping to learn how the burn affected vegetation. Getting this view from above has been helpful for mapping and gaining imagery for prescribed fire units and making firefighting a little easier.

    • Locations: Crater Lake National Park
    • Offices: Fire and Aviation Management, Wildland Fire Program
    Two firefighters holding droptorch and handtools stand in shrubs while a fire burns behind them.

    In May 2024, Crater Lake National Park fire and fuels staff assisted the Klamath Tribes with the 12-acre North Casino prescribed fire on treaty lands located in Chiloquin, OR. The area had not experienced fire in at least 70 years.

    • Locations: El Malpais National Monument
    • Offices: Fire and Aviation Management, Wildland Fire Program
    Firefighters monitor a fire in ponderosa pine forest.

    El Malpais National Monument successfully completed two prescribed fires spring 2024. On June 15, shortly after the conclusion of these critical fuels management projects at El Malpais, the park discovered a lightning-caused fire. Fuels reduction resulting from the prescribed fire provided a buffer that greatly assisted firefighters in fire suppression operations.

    • Locations: Richmond National Battlefield Park
    • Offices: Fire and Aviation Management, Wildland Fire Program
    Small flames consume dead leaves and duff in deciduous forest.

    In 2024, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) provided funding for prescribed fire and mechanical thinning at Cold Harbor Battlefield. These initiatives reduced hazardous fuels on 32 acres while preserving the historic battlefield's appearance and protecting Civil War-era earthworks, wetlands and their buffers.

    • Locations: Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park
    • Offices: Fire and Aviation Management, Wildland Fire Program
    A firefighter uses a driptorch to ignite fire in a dry grassy meadow.

    In late March 2024, staff from 10 different national park units gathered at Spring Gap near Oldtown, MD to conduct a 50-acre prescribed fire at C&O Canal NHP.

Last updated: June 30, 2020