Despite our advanced technology, the United States suffers a structure fire every 84 seconds. How is that possible? Here is one example from a park:
The office was stacked with boxes of brochures surrounding a space heater humming in the corner. Candles were burning on a desk littered with enough loose papers to fill a dumpster.
Not all fire hazards are this obvious, some are hidden, and some are just down right odd. Use these odd and interesting fire safety topics listed below to help you identify the weird fire hazards in your life.
- Offices: Fire and Aviation Management, Structural Fire Program
- Structural Fire Program
Fire Prevention 52: Fire Extinguishers 101
- Structural Fire Program
Fire Prevention 52: Fire Safety for People with Disabilities
- Offices: Structural Fire Program
Fire Prevention 52: Fire Safety for People with Disabilities
- Structural Fire Program
Fire Prevention 52: Escape, flee, bolt, exit, depart, go, scram, withdraw, run!
- Offices: Structural Fire Program
Fire Prevention 52: Do you know how to get out of your building if there is a fire?
- Offices: Fire and Aviation Management, Structural Fire Program
According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), holiday decorations (excluding trees) cause about 790 home fires annually in the United States, resulting in 1 civilian fire death, 26 civilian injuries, and $13 million in direct property damages. As you decorate in the coming weeks, keep fire prevention uppermost in your mind.
- Offices: Fire and Aviation Management, Structural Fire Program
The National Fire Protection Association reports an average of more than 3,340 fires take place in the office workplace each year. Every employee should be empowered with the correct information and training to protect themselves, fellow employees, and visitors to our parks and offices.
Every year, almost 1,000 smokers and nonsmokers are killed in home fires caused by cigarettes and other smoking materials, making this the #1 cause of home fire deaths in the United States. Most fires caused by smoking materials start on beds or furniture, or in trash. Fires caused by cigarettes and other smoking materials are preventable. Article includes smoking safety tips.
Fire is one of the leading causes of RV loss in the U.S. today. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) estimates that 2,000 RV fires occur annually. Article includes list of safety tips for before a trip, in transit, and while parked, and a list of maintenance tips and what to do in case of fire.
Last updated: November 3, 2017