Last updated: December 5, 2024
NPS assists Tribes with prescribed fire near Crater Lake National Park

In May 2024, Crater Lake National Park fire and fuels staff assisted the Klamath Tribes with the 12-acre North Casino prescribed fire on treaty lands located in Chiloquin, OR. The area had not experienced fire in at least 70 years.

The intent of this prescribed fire was to reintroduce fire as a management tool to restore the land to pre-European contact conditions. The area had once been a meadow that produced a variety of “first foods.” These edible roots had been displaced by an invasion of sagebrush and bitterbrush shrubs. In addition to restoring the meadow, another objective was to burn the lower limbs of scattered ponderosa pine trees to make them more resilient to wildfire. A secondary benefit to this project is the reduction of hazardous fuels located near infrastructure owned by the Klamath Tribes.
Working together, the National Park Service (NPS) and the Klamath Tribes created a great opportunity to further develop working relationships and move forward in the future for fuels and fire management activities across the landscape on both NPS and Tribal lands, as fire does not recognize boundaries.

This burn also provided training opportunities for the Klamath Tribes to further build capacity both in fire and fuels management, as they are currently building a program to support both fuels management and fire suppression. During the burn, Tribal members received hands-on burning experience, and a member of the Klamath Tribes fire staff served as the firing boss trainee.
Projects like North Casino prescribed fire, and future projects, will help foster positive relationships, as well as increase capacity for both programs. With 12 acres of successful burning completed, both groups hope this will turn into a long-standing relationship to manage more of the landscape across boundaries.
Assisting with the North Casino prescribed fire demonstrated Crater Lake National Park’s commitment to furthering relationships with partners and assisting when possible.