Wildfire Prevention and Preparedness

Wildfire prevention vs preparedness, what is the difference? These two terms can seem similar and may have some shared actions, but let's look at the difference.

Wildfire preparedness involves getting prepared in case a wildfire occurs or when a wildfire is imminent or threatening your property. Firefighters do this by training, getting equipment and other resources in place, removing heavy fuels from areas that people use like campgrounds and park facilities, and homes and urban areas around the park called the wildland-urban interface. You can also prepare for wildfires by taking actions around your home and property to stop or slow the spread of wildfire.

Wildfire prevention refers to actions taken to prevent a wildfire from occurring. This is what Smokey Bear has been teaching us for decades! Explore the links below to find out how the National Park Service's Wildland Fire Program helps protect homes and communities and how you can help too!

Wildfire Prevention

Two bicyclists stop along the road to talk to a wildland firefighter.
Fire Safety for Park Visitors

It's important to enjoy the outdoors safely during fire season. Read about how you can stay safe on public lands during fire season.

Animated character of a national park ranger as a news anchor with a graphic of burning toilet paper
Don't burn toilet paper while recreating

Tips on how to properly dispose of your waste and toilet paper while recreating in national parks.

Park ranger hangs a sign that says no fires.

Follow the rules and safety tips to prevent fires while enjoying a campfire.

Wildfire Preparedness

Structure stands unharmed with burned vegetation surrounding it.
Preparing for Fire

Wildland fire management is inherently risky, so planning and preparation are important aspects of the program.

A firefighter ignites grass with a drip torch.
Stories about fire preparedness

NPS fire mangers work with communities all across the world on the importance of preparing for fire.

Tractor mows vegetation behind a row of houses.
Community Wildfire Preparedness

Wildfires can happen any time of year, staying prepared and planning ahead is part of being ready for wildfire.

 A house sits very close to tall grass.
Wildland Urban Interface

You can take steps to reduce the risk from wildfire if you live in the wildland urban interface.

Last updated: July 3, 2024