Facilities Safety

Employees of the NPS Structural Fire Branch never stop encouraging people to have working smoke alarms and a plan for getting out. They encourage people to be especially vigilant in historic buildings, which can be fire-prone. The branch has helped coordinate the retrofitting of some important NPS buildings for facilities and life safety. They work with park concessionaires to ensure the safety of those buildings as well. They encourage people to learn from past fires to help prevent future fires.
Showing results 1-5 of 5

    • Locations: Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Wright Brothers National Memorial

    NPS structural fire intern learned about sprinkler system installation and operation, inventoried fire protection systems, and uploaded info to a database.

  • Charles Pinckney National Historic Site

    Fire Suppression System Wins Engineering Excellence Award

    • Locations: Charles Pinckney National Historic Site
    Safe interior fireplace in an old farm house

    In 2012, the American Council of Engineering Companies of South Carolina awarded the three-part design team for Charles Pinckney National Historic Site’s fire suppression system with an engineering excellence award in the category of small projects.

  • Petersburg National Battlefield

    The People of Fire Prevention

    • Locations: Petersburg National Battlefield

    Everyone agrees--ZERO structures burned is the goal. With more than 26,000 buildings in its care, many of which are historic, it is easy to understand why fire prevention must be a priority to the Service.

    • Locations: Blue Ridge Parkway, Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Petersburg National Battlefield, Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Yosemite National Park
    • Locations: Yosemite National Park

    Challenges were many in updating the historic Ahwahnee Hotel in Yosemite to correct hazards to guests’ safety and facility protection from fire. Questions included how to continue work while accommodating guests, and how to minimize closure time. Everyone had the same goal--to preserve and maintain the hotel. This successful project exemplifies the challenges of fire protection in our iconic places and what can be achieved through collaboration.

Last updated: November 3, 2017