Prevention 52: Cooking Safety

Saucepan fire on a gas stove
Cooking brings family and friends together, provides an outlet for creativity and can be relaxing. Did you know that cooking fires are the number one cause of home fires and home injuries. Most cooking fires in the home involve the stove top. By following a few safety tips you can prevent these fires.
Showing results 1-3 of 3

  • Cooking is the leading cause of home fires and home fire injuries. Following these tips will help ensure safety.

  • Deep-fried turkey has been gaining in popularity over the years and has been touted by famous chefs to be a quick method of cooking a flavorful and moist Thanksgiving bird. Be aware, frying is more dangerous than many other types of cooking. Many cooks may not realize that deep-frying a turkey is very hazardous, even for those who have been using fryers for years.

  • Learn steps for fire safety during holiday travel. Learn how to prepare your home before you leave and how to select a fire-safe hotel. Also discusses fire safety in friends’ and relatives’ homes and cooking safety.

Last updated: November 3, 2017