Nature & Science Media

©Tim Hauf,
To view media related to nature and science, please click on the videos listed below.

Bald Eagle Media
View video and still images from bald eagles on the Channel Islands.

Restoring Balance: Santa Cruz Island
Documents the various aspects of the complex Santa Cruz Island restoration program.

Restoring Balance: Anacapa Island
Documents the removal of non-native species on Anacapa Island.

Achieving Balance: Anacapa Island
Ten years after removing nonnative rats the ecosystem on Anacapa Island, including rare seabirds, is showing profound results of recovery.

Seabird Restoration
Documents seabird restoration efforts on park islands.

Race to Save the White Abalone
Channel Islands National Park and its partners investigate the abundance and distribution of white abalone around the Channel Islands.

Models of Change: The Geologic Story of Channel Islands National Park
Four part overview of the complex geologic processes that formed the Channel Islands.

Pygmy Mammoth: Life and Times
Learn about the Channel Islands pygmy mammoth with specific information on the specimen found in 1994 on Santa Rosa Island.

Oral Histories: Documenting the People and Stories Behind the Science at Channel Islands National Park
Testimonies and interviews documenting our knowledge of scientific research history pertaining to the Channel Islands for both the National Park Service and Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History.

Last updated: June 24, 2024

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