Visit Our Island Classroom

girl with magnifying glass in dirt
Island foxes, kelp forests, wild coastlines, and over 10,000 years of cultural history...Channel Islands National Park is an adventure for you and your students.

Explore the options below to connect the Channel Islands to your classroom.
Ranger with boy on beach looking at rock.
Field Trips

Learn how to bring your students to the park visitor center or islands.

Diver in kelp forest wearing mask to speak to public.
Distance Learning

Can’t bring your students to the Channel Islands? Connect your class from afar with a ranger in the park to explore a variety of topics.

ranger in classroom teaching kids.
Kelp and Me 3-part Program

Students experience the mysterious, magnificent algae known as giant kelp!

Visitors hiking near a lighthouse.
Professional Development

Explore professional development opportunities for educators.

teacher with kids at tidepools.
Teacher Resources

Bring the Channel Islands to your classroom with these park related teacher resources.

American Indian woman standing in cave with spear.
Island of the Blue Dolphins

Discover more about the historical events and real places that inspired Scott O’Dell to write this book.

Adult eagles in nest with chick.

View our bald eagle, ocean, Anacapa Island, and Mount Diablo webcams.

Last updated: May 28, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

1901 Spinnaker Drive
Ventura, CA 93001


805 658-5730

Contact Us