Summer and fall can bring high temperatures and dry winds on the islands. You must keep yourself hydrated and replenish electrolytes. To prepare for these challenging conditions be sure to pack enough water for your trip. At least one gallon of water per person per day is recommended, but more is required during extreme heat conditions. The following islands do not have potable water available: Anacapa, Santa Cruz Del Norte, Santa Rosa backcountry beach camping, San Miguel and Santa Barbara Islands. A gallon of fresh water weighs 8.3 pounds so plan your trip carefully. Most places on the islands are exposed to the sun and do not offer shade. Do not attempt strenuous hikes in extreme weather conditions. Always be aware of any signs of heat illness including, but not limited to, dizziness, nausea or vomiting, clammy skin, rapid pulse, muscle cramps, or throbbing headache. Extreme heat can increase fire danger on the islands. No fires are allowed on the islands. Do not leave cook stoves unattended and do not place flammable items near your cook stove. Be aware of the location of fire extinguishers in the campground. If you sense a fire, immediately alert a ranger. Keep prevention in mind. Emergencies on the islands take more time to respond to than on the mainland. Fires across the west have an impact on the availability of firefighting resources. |
Last updated: June 17, 2021