Keep Track of Your Work

When you log in to your account, the most useful thing to do is access your Investigator Dashboard. This feature shows all your files and tasks in one place. It is divided into four sections with gray header text. Each section contains links or expandable panels that can be opened by clicking on them. Everything you need to do with applications, permits, reports, and account maintenance can be done from the Investigator Dashboard.
Image of the Investigator Dashboard. It is organized into sections. Each section includes links for tasks or expandable tables that contain documents and their status.
The Investigator Dashboard
Tasks in Progress are steps in the workflow that are not yet complete and that may require immediate attention. In general, you have pending tasks only if you are in the middle of a process.
  • Applications Drafted… - Permit applications that you are working on but have not yet submitted to a park.
  • Appendix A… - Permit applications that propose specimens will be kept outside the National Park Service, and for which you must obtain the repository representative’s signature on Appendix A.
  • Finalized Permits… - Permits that must be signed by both you and the park representative before research can begin.
  • Permits to Renew… - Permits that have expired or will soon expire (within 120 days) and which you may wish to renew.
  • Submit Investigator Annual Report… - Permits for which you need to file an IAR in the current reporting year.
Frequent Tasks are things you may do at any time.
  • Create a New Permit Application – Click here to start a new research permit application.
  • Submit Data… – At any time you can submit data, field notes, maps, final reports, etc. that resulted from your research.
  • Change My Work Contact Information – Please keep your contact information up to date.
  • View Park Information – Select a park to see contact information, research priorities, permit conditions, important bulletins, etc.
All of My Work is a comprehensive collection of all applications, permits, and annual reports associated with your account, including those in progress.

One Time Tasks currently includes just one item – permanently transferring all of your account information and documents to another person and giving up your access to them. This is most often used when an investigator retires and wants to assign responsibility for all records to a coworker or successor.

Do you have questions about the software? The RPRS HelpDesk is available. e-mail us

Last updated: March 7, 2025


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