Renew a Research Permit

Parks typically set permits to expire at the end of the year. Studies often last longer, so you may need to renew your permit. Renewal is an opportunity to make changes to the project, personnel, permit conditions, etc. By using renewable short-term permits, both the investigator and the park can accommodate inevitable change. And the park can make renewal contingent on receipt of the required Investigator Annual Report.

How to Do This

If you wish to renew a permit, please notify the park’s research coordinator. They may prefer to renew the permit for you, especially if the changes are minor. Or they may direct you to the following procedure.

On your Investigator Dashboard, expand the panel “Permits to Renew: Reapply for New Permit.” This panel shows permits that may need to be renewed because they expire prior to the end of your study. You can also find your permit of interest by scrolling down to the “All of My Work” section and expanding the “Permits” panel.
Image of a research permit with the word Renew highlighted at the top.
Screenshot of the user's view of a permit profile.
Open the permit. If there is a “Renew” link on the top, as shown in the image, then this permit can be renewed.

Click the Renew link. Doing so will launch a new application that contains the information in your original application (not your permit, which may be different). Edit as needed, including the dates, and submit it when ready. If you are collecting specimens and the details of those collections are not changing with your renewal, it is unlikely that you need to process another Appendix A. Check with your park research coordinator and curator regarding collections.

Do you have questions about the software? The RPRS HelpDesk is available. e-mail us

Last updated: March 20, 2025


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