Communicating Science

Sharing what we’ve learned with other scientists and the public is an essential component of the National Park Service’s stewardship mission. We communicate scientific findings in a variety of ways. We create online and in-person exhibits. We publish articles for both the public and professional scientists. Rangers use science in ranger programs, educational opportunities, and more.

Screenshot from an Orbiter Discovery point cloud fly-through.
Heritage Documentation Program Exhibits

Experience web exhibits and virtual tours from documentation projects.

Visitor examines info panel by sea level rise exhibit.
Climate Change Communication

National parks provide opportunities to engage citizens of all ages in understanding how climate change is altering the places we love.

A group of people examine a lake
Park Science

Park Science reports recent and ongoing natural and social science and related cultural research for park planning, management and policy.

A researcher uses a spotting scope to watch sea otters in the sound.
Alaska Park Science

Alaska Park Science reports findings from recent research in the biological, physical, and cultural sciences.

A mountain stream in Yellowstone in the fall.
Yellowstone Science

Yellowstone Science shares information from scientists with the public to highlight in-depth, science-based knowledge about the park.

Examples of how we communicate science

Showing results 1-10 of 44

    • Type: Series
    • Locations: Great Basin National Park
    Park staff putting in structure in Strawberry Creek

    The Midden is the Resource Management Newsletter of Great Basin National Park, published each summer and winter. Find out the latest going on at Great Basin National Park, Nevada in resource management and research. The Midden – Great Basin National Park: Vol. 24, No. 2, Winter 2024

    • Type: Series
    NPS employees installing posts into Strawberry Creek for post-fire restoration

    The Midden is the Resource Management Newsletter of Great Basin National Park, published each summer and winter. Find out the latest going on at Great Basin National Park, Nevada in resource management and research. The The Midden – Great Basin National Park: Vol. 24, No. 2, Winter 2024

    • Locations: Glacier National Park
    • Offices: Crown of the Continent Research Learning Center, Natural Resource Stewardship and Science Directorate, Research Learning Centers
    WPI students pose for the camera in front of Lake McDonald.

    During their junior year, students from Worcester Polytechnic Institute complete research projects for a variety of organizations. These research projects are an interdisciplinary, immersive team experience that usually take place off campus. In 2018, Glacier National Park was added to the list of project centers. Students work with park leadership on identified research projects. From mobile apps to solar webcams, students generate solutions that help park management.

    • Locations: Glacier National Park
    • Offices: Crown of the Continent Research Learning Center
    A cloud of snow and debris rises from an avalanche ripping down the mountainside.

    USGS physical scientist Erich Peitzsch uses tree cross-sections and cores to establish a timeline of past avalanche activity. By looking at avalanche cycles over the past 100-200 years, Peitzsch hopes to learn whether or not climate change will affect avalanche behavior in the future.

    • Locations: Glacier National Park
    • Offices: Crown of the Continent Research Learning Center
    A group of students watch as researchers pump water into a long, mesh net.

    Discover the unique and fascinating research centered on aquatic invertebrates found in the alpine and in the Nyack floodplain aquifer. Explore how the presence of these creatures adds to the biodiversity of the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem and learn about threats that face them.

    • Type: Series
    • Locations: Great Basin National Park
    Alpine Sunburst Lichens

    The Midden is the Resource Management Newsletter of Great Basin National Park, published each summer and winter. Find out the latest going on at Great Basin National Park, Nevada in resource management and research. The Midden - Great Basin National Park: Vol. 15, No. 1, Summer 2015.

    • Type: Series
    • Locations: Great Basin National Park
    Mouflon, a subspecies of wild sheep

    The Midden is the Resource Management Newsletter of Great Basin National Park, published each summer and winter. Find out the latest going on at Great Basin National Park, Nevada in resource management and research. The Midden - Great Basin National Park: Vol. 16, No. 1, Summer 2016.

    • Type: Series
    • Locations: Great Basin National Park
    Three staff member in a meadow in a canyon bottom around a stream setting up a mist net.

    The Midden is the Resource Management Newsletter of Great Basin National Park, published each summer and winter. Find out the latest going on at Great Basin National Park, Nevada in resource management and research. The Midden - Great Basin National Park: Vol. 16, No. 2, Winter 2016.

    • Type: Series
    • Locations: Great Basin National Park
    Wolf lichen (Letharia vulpina) on a rock

    The Midden is the Resource Management Newsletter of Great Basin National Park, published each summer and winter. Find out the latest going on at Great Basin National Park, Nevada in resource management and research. The Midden - Great Basin National Park: Vol. 17, No. 2, Winter 2017.

    • Type: Series
    • Locations: Great Basin National Park
    A female  Bothropolys permundus centipede

    The Midden is the Resource Management Newsletter of Great Basin National Park, published each summer and winter. Find out the latest going on at Great Basin National Park, Nevada in resource management and research. The Midden - Great Basin National Park: Vol. 18, No. 2, Winter 2018

Last updated: January 23, 2024


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