Science News

Science in the National Park Service not only informs park management, but also contributes to our knowledge of ecological systems, provides a deeper understanding of how climate change is impacting park resources, and uncovers novel, interesting findings.

Here you can browse National Park Service science to satisfy your curiosity or to inform yourself about current issues. These resources are also available to environmental journalists to delve deeper into science issues and connect them to our scientists.
two scientists crouch over a tub of water
Stories of Science

Stories about scientists working in national parks.

A woman collects measurements at an archaeological dig.
Featured Research

Browse some of the National Park Service's ground-breaking research results.

A woman collects fish otoliths for study.
Journal Articles

Access peer-reviewed science articles published in science journals. See how parks advance science.

Two researchers on a boat watching the sea with binoculars.
Reports and Publications

See some of our recently published technical reports and other documents.

A group of people examine a lake
Park Science magazine

Park Science reports recent and ongoing natural and social science and related cultural research for park planning, management and policy.

A researcher uses a spotting scope to watch sea otters in the sound.
Alaska Park Science

Alaska Park Science reports findings from recent research in the biological, physical, and cultural sciences.

A mountain stream in Yellowstone in the fall.
Yellowstone Science

Yellowstone Science shares information from scientists with the public to highlight in-depth, science-based knowledge about the park.

Last updated: February 27, 2025


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