Science Supporting Parks
Good decisions start with good information.
The Inventory & Monitoring (I&M) Division is a servicewide program that provides science for park management. Natural resource inventories help us understand the range of natural resources in and around parks. Long-term monitoring helps us understand how these resources may be changing over time. At hundreds of National Park Service sites across the country, staff from 32 I&M networks gather, analyze, and communicate information on key park natural resources. These plants, animals, and systems, known as “vital signs,” are indicators of broader ecosystem health.
Before the I&M program was mandated by Congress in 1998, park managers often lacked the scientific information they needed to answer basic questions about which plants and animals were in a given park, and how those populations were doing. Today, the information we provide helps park managers make sound, science-based management decisions that help the National Park Service meet its mission to conserve America's most treasured places for the benefit of future generations.